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At this juncture Sir Ralph appeared at the door, peeping gingerly in at us, and looking the picture of misery. "I'm so sorry for everything," he said. "Terry's down-stairs, and we both feel that we're awful sweeps, though we hope you won't think we are. He's going to interview the other hotels and see if he can find anything better, so don't decide till he comes back."

Going to let us in on the ground floor, Mr. Rong tells me. Here, now, fire up; take this big chair and tell me all about your new town." Jones took a cigar cautiously from the box. When the Manager offered him a match he lighted up gingerly, as though he expected the thing to blow up. "Now, Mr. Jones, as I understand it, you want a side track put in at once.

When we had passed a great part of our journey, before the rising of the Sun, we came into a wild desart, where they conspired together to slay me. For after they had taken the goddesse from my backe and set her gingerly upon the ground, they likewise tooke off my harnesse, and bound me surely to an Oake, beating me with their whip, in such sort that all my body was mortified.

In fact, I think we're both asleep and having nice dreams." "That reminds me," McGee said, drawing up a chair and sitting gingerly on the edge after the manner of one about to indulge in confidential disclosures. "Have you heard anything of this repatriation business?" "Sure. Haven't you?" "Not a word." "Where have you been? It came down in a G.O." McGee scratched his head.

"We're going to wash his face," insisted Ben Alvord, skating up and looking belligerent. "Don't you interfere, Dick Prescott!" Hen, making no effort to do more than sit up, was blubbering softly. "Lemme alone, fellows," he pleaded. "Can't you see I'm hurt?" Hen had his right mitten off, and was gingerly applying that hand to the narrow stretch of upper lip. There was blood there.

"You, I presume, are Carrie," she said, looking at her niece. "Come here, Carrie, and speak to your aunt." Carrie advanced as if she were treading on buttered eggs. She held out one dimpled hand gingerly. "How do you do, my dear? Allow me to congratulate you on the acquisition of that very lovely little watch and that splendid chain.

It was a precarious pilgrimage, but we moved gently and managed not to outrage the little animal's feelings. When the men saw us coming across the creek, with one accord they all went in and took a drink. We gingerly urged Mr. Skunk into the big cage, and with the greatest caution, never making a sudden move, I took his picture.

Danny was "acting the goat" round the fireplace; as ill-luck would have it, his attention was drawn to a basket of clean linen which stood on the side table, and from it, with sundry winks and grimaces, he gingerly lifted a certain garment of ladies' underwear to put the matter decently. He held it up between his forefingers and thumbs, and cracked a rough, foolish joke no matter what it was.

Doris did not quite see the necessity, but she kept the reflection to herself, and Miss Field passed lightly to the other guests Sir Luke, a tame cat of the house, who quarrelled with Lady Dunstable once a month, vowed he would never come near her again, and always reappeared; the Dean, who in return for a general submission, was allowed to scold her occasionally for her soul's health; the politicians whom she could not do without, who were therefore handled more gingerly than the rest; the military and naval men who loved Dunstable and put up with his wife for his sake; and the young people nephews and nieces and cousins who liked an unconventional hostess without any foolish notions of chaperonage, and always enjoyed themselves famously at Crosby Ledgers.

Then she saw her host's shoes: he had left them lying on the sofa. Rickie was slightly deformed, and so the shoes were not the same size, and one of them had a thick heel to help him towards an even walk. "Ugh!" she exclaimed, and removed them gingerly to the bedroom. There she saw other shoes and boots and pumps, a whole row of them, all deformed. "Ugh! Poor boy! It is too bad.