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The sixth and seventh members of the expedition having been brought into the council, we talked over the details of the scheme so far as we could foresee them. My general plan was to surprise the convoy, to conceal ourselves myself and Cludde in one of the wagons, and, thus gaining the house unsuspected, to steal our way in and then act as chance might order.

There are few greater pleasures than to meet with an Individuality, to listen to it speaking from a printed page, recounting, suggesting, growing upon you every hour, gaining in life and presence, and then, while still under its influence, to find oneself suddenly transported into the very scene of that life, to stand among its familiar impressions and experiences, realising another distinct existence by some odd metempsychosis, and what may or rather, what MUST have been.

But during all the time that he was painting portraits in Cherbourg or little nudes in Paris he was steadily gaining reputation and making friends. If we had not the pictures themselves to show us how able and how well-trained a workman he was, the story told us by Wyatt Eaton, in "Modern French Masters," would convince us.

Captives ought not to be too conceited, mark that, too, an it please you." "Enough, sirrah, cease thy prating. I am no fool." "Take him away; take him to the old dungeon," cried Simon, whose wrath was fast gaining mastery over him; "and mind you double lock the door." "The dungeon!" shrieked Dorothy. "No, not the dungeon."

Every man on board was doing his utmost. Francis had glanced backwards several times, and at the end of a quarter of an hour, he could see that the distance between the boat and her pursuer had distinctly lessened. "Is she gaining on us?" the captain asked, for the cabin in the stern hid the galley from the sight of the oarsmen. "She is gaining," Francis said quietly, "but not rapidly.

"You run this thing and I'll do what fighting is necessary," he said. "Wish I could shoot like you can; but I can't; and I can't run this machine either." The German aeroplane was gaining steadily. "He can outrun us," said Frank, quietly. "There is only one, thank goodness. You'll have to bring him down, Jack." "I'll try," was Jack's reply. "If I had a rifle I might be able to pick him off now."

A fight was going on meantime in the Rue de la Paix between a company of Marines and the multitude of people gathered in the street, who struggled and fought with an energy worthy of a better cause in hopes of gaining a share in the spoils.

Mammon, gaining more and more of the upper hand in all social relations, has done much to lower the PETITE as well as the GRANDE MORALE of the country the good breeding as well as the honesty. Unmannerliness with the completest self-possession, is a poor substitute for stiffness, a poorer for courtesy.

When grief and pain are gaining the upperhand and I am well nigh in despair, my only help lies in remembering my friend Pythagoras, that noblest among men, and his words: 'Observe a due proportion in all things, avoid excessive joy as well as complaining grief, and seek to keep thy soul in tune and harmony like a well-toned harp." Diod.

Each moment, the nearing sounds of the footsteps, told me that the brutes were gaining on us, rapidly. Fortunately, I am accustomed to live, in some ways, an active life. As it was, the strain of the race was beginning to tell severely upon me. Ahead, I could see the back door luckily it was open. I was some half-dozen yards behind Mary, now, and my breath was sobbing in my throat.