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To Carley's surprise, she found herself upon the knob of the foothill. And when she looked out across a suddenly distinguishable void she seemed struck by the immensity of something she was unable to grasp. She dropped her bridle; she gazed slowly, as if drawn, hearing Flo's voice. "That thin green line of cottonwoods down there is the Little Colorado River," Flo was saying.

"Stopped the camera, cut off the piece of film showing her caught by the net, and substituted a strip on which was recorded Flo's body lying among the jagged rocks, where it had been carefully and comfortably arranged. We do a lot of deceptive tricks of that sort, and sometimes I myself marvel at the natural effects obtained." "It must be more interesting than stage acting." "I believe it is.

"I do want him to think I look well, and tell them so at home," said Amy to herself, as she put on Flo's old white silk ball dress, and covered it with a cloud of fresh illusion, out of which her white shoulders and golden head emerged with a most artistic effect. Her hair she had the sense to let alone, after gathering up the thick waves and curls into a Hebe-like knot at the back of her head.

"Flo how is she?" burst out Carley. "Aw, Flo's loony over her husband," drawled Charley, his clear eyes on Carley's. "Husband!" she gasped. "Sure. Flo's gone an' went an' done what I swore on." "Who?" whispered Carley, and the query was a terrible blade piercing her heart. "Now who'd you reckon on?" asked Charley, with his slow grin. Carley's lips were mute.

Glenn brought her warm water, a mitigating circumstance. The morning was cold and thought of that biting desert water had been trying. "Shore you're doing fine," was Flo's greeting. "Come and get it before we throw it out." Carley made haste to comply with the Western mandate, and was once again confronted with the singular fact that appetite did not wait upon the troubles of a tenderfoot.

I think I'd feel ashamed of myself to have a daughter not married, or not in the way to be married afore she's thirty. I couldn't bear to think that no young man should take a fancy to a girl of mine. But Flo's not twenty yet, and Carry, who was the oldest to go, wasn't four-and-twenty when Scarness took her." Thereupon the old lady put her handkerchief to the corner of her eyes, and wept gently.

Ye kin never tell what that boy might do. Jist scoot over an' ask John to go to the store an' phone to the city. Tell him to call up Jimmy Gault at Injuntown. He's a good friend of mine, an' he'll know if the 'Eb an' Flo's' down." "Wait until after breakfast, Sam'l. The store won't be open yet. How's your foot?" "Pretty bad, Martha. But I guess it'll be all right if the 'Eb an' Flo's' safe.

Following Flo's instructions, Carley sat on their bed, pulled off her boots, folded coat and sweater at her head, and slid down under the blankets. How strange and hard a bed! Yet Carley had the most delicious sense of relief and rest she had ever experienced. She straightened out on her back with a feeling that she had never before appreciated the luxury of lying down.