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Flo's terse confession could not be taken lightly. Did she mean that she loved Glenn? Carley began to fear it. Only another reason why she must persuade Glenn to go back East! But the closer Carley came to what she divined must be an ordeal the more she dreaded it. This raw, crude West might have confronted her with a situation beyond her control.

"I s'pose she'll make her husband buy her chocolates instead." "Most likely. Flo's mighty fond of choc'lates. She'd eat 'em all the time if she could git 'em. She's allus beggin' me to bring her a box every time we come from the city." "She's just like all girls; they like sweet things. That's the reason, I guess, they like me. I'm always sweet with the girls. It pays. Hand me that grip, will yon?

The unexpected sight of Sydney was like the sudden breaking out of sunshine through a bank of stormy cloud to the man whose whole mind had been filled for days with poisonous thoughts. He beamed upon Melissa and shook hands with her cordially. "Yes, sir, Ah'll go this mo'nin'. You-all wants yo' flo's mopped up, Ah suppose."

Eben's face suddenly coloured, and his eyes dropped. He remembered what he had done at the quarry. Mrs. Tobin was now convinced that she was being deceived, and that her husband and son were in league against her. She wheeled upon the captain. "I want you to come right home with me, Sam'l. This is a very serious matter, and I need Flo's advice.

She wondered, then, how true that principle might be in all experience. It gave strong food for thought. There were things in the world never before dreamed of in her philosophy. Carley was wondering if she were narrow and dense to circumstances of life differing from her own when a remark of Flo's gave pause to her reflections. "Shore the worst is yet to come." Flo had drawled.

Glenn stood over her, pushing a sprig of cedar into her face. "Carley, the day is far spent," he said, gayly. "We want to roll up your bedding. Will you get out of it?" "Hello, Glenn! What time is it?" she replied. "It's nearly six." "What!... Do you expect me to get up at that ungodly hour?" "We're all up. Flo's eating breakfast. It's going to be a bad day, I'm afraid.

Like a snake he fascinated her. The intelligence in his bold gaze made the beastliness of it all the harder to endure, all the stronger to arouse. "Come, Carley, let's rustle out of this stinkin' mess," cried Flo. Indeed, Carley needed Flo's assistance in clambering down out of the choking smoke and horrid odor. "Adios, pretty eyes," called the big man from the pen.

I I'd like it," returned Carley, made to feel friendly and at home in spite of herself. "You see it's not as if you were just a stranger," went on Mrs. Hutter. "Tom that's Flo's father took a likin' to Glenn Kilbourne when he first came to Oak Creek over a year ago. I wonder if you all know how sick that soldier boy was.... Well, he lay on his back for two solid weeks in the room we're givin' you.

"Yes," returned Crestwick dryly; "I think that describes it." There was an impressive silence, while each wondered how far he might have betrayed himself. Then Lisle spoke. "Read the rest of the letter. See if Bella says anything further." "No announcement made," Crestwick informed him a little later. "All the same, Flo's satisfied that the engagement will be made known before long."

"Any girl with the least self-respect would do the same, so there." "That's all right, Miss, that's all right," Samuel hurriedly assured her. "I wasn't castin' any reflection upon yer character. I was only wonderin', that's all. Ye see, Flo's about your age, from what I judge, an' I wouldn't like her to be actin' this way." "I know you wouldn't. But my case is different.