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She tried to make Papa sign for the whole winter, but he was on to her from the first and refused to do more than take it from week to week. He and Mamma stayed here a few days on their way to Turkey, and you would have died laughing if you had seen Mrs. Pace try to make Papa 'Fletcherize. You know he always eats as though the train would not wait.

The habits of the animals, the value of their pelts, the curing of the furs, their final market, was all gone over again and again. The two extra months at sea gave him an insight into a great business and he had the time to fletcherize his ideas. He thought about it wrote about it in his diary, for he was at the journal-age. Wolves, bears badgers, minks, and muskrats, filled his dreams.

"Probably he's too busy to chew his food. We'll make him Fletcherize " "And eat soup. Then we'll mend his underclothes. I'll warrant he doesn't dress properly." "How much sleep does he get?" Natalie queried of the physician. "About half as much as he needs." "Leave him to us," said Eliza, grimly. "Now where does he live? We'll start in there." O'Neil protested faintly. "Please don't!

The old gentleman's eyes followed him, and now he turned irritably to Brent: "I will not drink my juleps in gulps behind trees and shrubs, sir! I like to have them sit before me, and contemplate their merits. I like to Fletcherize them with my mind, and with those senses which my mind can set astir. And so with my cigars, and with my food!

Teach children to work, play, laugh, fletcherize, study, think, and yet again, work, and we will raze every prison. There is only one prison, and its name is Inefficiency. Amid the bastions of this bastile of the brain the guards are Pride, Pretense, Greed, Gluttony, Selfishness. Increase human efficiency and you set the captives free.

The Waldorf-Astoria plan of flute-playing was forgotten. He fed on fur-trading. The habits of the animals, the value of their pelts, the curing of the furs, their final market, were all gone over again and again. The two extra months at sea gave him an insight into a great business, and he had the time to fletcherize his ideas.

Don't look at me as if I were a murderess! I'm your best friend a friend in need. And don't choke down your food. Eat slowly. Fletcherize chew your food, you know. I know you're nearly famished, but you must gradually accustom yourself to a proper diet." He obeyed meekly. Patsy's face was calm, but her heart beat fast, with a thrill of fear she could not repress.

The terrier had got the poodle by the left hind-leg and was restating his war-aims. The raffish mongrel was apparently endeavouring to fletcherize a complete stranger of the Sealyham family. Sally was frankly unequal to the situation, as were the entire crowd of spectators who had come galloping up from the water's edge. She had been paralysed from the start.

Women must learn to fletcherize freedom if it is not to give them indigestion of purpose. "Still Ned provides everything in the world he can think of to help Mamie," said Caroline, who had come up the walk just in time to fan the flame in me by her sweet wistfulness, with a soft judiciousness in her voice and eyes. "And Mamie adores the children and him."

When he offered to compromise on Drug-Store Sherry, the Daughter of the Household, Luella by name, brought out a colored Chart showing the Interior of a Moderate Drinker's Stomach. After that he was afraid to Chirp. Even the Cigarette was Taboo among these Good People, although Father could Fletcherize about 10 cents' worth of Licorice Plug each working Day.