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My son and I will take you to our house and send for a doctor." "I'll bring the motor-cycle, after we've carried you in," added Tom. "Don't worry about the machine. I never want to see it again!" went on the man, rising to a sitting position. "It nearly killed me twice to-day. I'll never ride again." "You'll feel differently after the doctor fixes you up," said Mr. Swift with a smile. "Doctor!

"I am beginning to think that by dint of staring into that darkness I am becoming like a child that fixes its eyes on the blackness of night; I end by creating phantoms and inventing terrors. That is certainly the case as regards this excursion to Solesmes, for there is nothing, absolutely nothing to justify my alarms.

He also fixes the responsibility for that war partly upon them in the plainest terms: "In a word, they had the consciences of Roman Catholic sovereigns and their ministers in their hands as educators, and in their keeping as confessors. They led them in the direction of war, so that it was at the time, and has since been called the Jesuits' War."

"'Little starry-eyed gypsy, I say, when are you going to pull some of that open-road stuff? says Ben again, all cordial and sinister. "Wilfred gulped and tried to be jaunty. 'Oh, as to that, I'm here to-day and there to-morrow, he murmurs, and nervously fixes his necktie. "'Oh, my, and isn't that nice! says Ben heartily 'the urge of the wild to her wayward child' I know you're a slave to it.

"I do not wish to pay heavy war taxes and succession tax on all this great estate. I must remain here and watch it. I must keep the child's existence and where-abouts quiet. The courts could worry me about her removal. Can I trust you, Hortense?" His eyes are wolfish. He stops and fixes a burning glance on her. She returns it steadily. "What do you wish me to do?" she says, warily.

"That fixes him," she muttered, as she returned to the house; "that fixes Old Maxim good; to think of his insultin' me by ownin' right up that 'twas my property he was after, the rascal! I wouldn't have him if there warn't another man in the world!" and entering the room where Maude was sewing, she astonished the young girl by telling her what she had done.

It is not the expression of his countenance at any particular moment which fixes itself on the mind, or the force with which accidental feelings are represented; but that permanent and powerful expression which suits the character he has to sustain, and never for an instant permits you to forget the circumstances, of whatever kind, in which he is placed; and those who have seen him in any of the greater parts on the French stage, can never forget that unrivalled power of expressing deep grief, of which nothing in any English actor at present on the stage can afford any idea.

You're wonderful fine at gettin' out of fixes, Dad!" "'Tweren't me," objected Skipper Zeb, "'twere the Lard. We does the best we can, and when the Lard sees we does our best, He steps in and helps. He says, 'These folk does the best they can to get out of this fix, and I'll just step in and do what they can't do, and help un out of it, and that's what He does, and here we be, safe and sound."

A splendid torrent of genius ought never to be checked, but it should be wisely guided into the deep channel of the stream, from whose surface it will then reflect Nature without a ripple. Genius dyes the hues that resemble those of the rainbow; Art fixes the colours that they may stand.

Then he grabs his born New Yorker by the shoulders and shakes him still further out of dreamland. "What street in New York is your old home on?" he demands savagely. The lad blinks his fishy eyes and fixes his hat on that Ben has shook loose. "Cranberry Street," says he. "Cranberry Street! Hell, that's Brooklyn, and you claimed New York," says Ben, shaking the hat loose again.