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The gang at the fire-engine was rapidly relieved; a fresh shanty was struck up; the chain of men with buckets got to work; and the quickened clank clank of the engine handles showed that the crew were still confident and determined.

The crowd gathered like magic in the wide street before the house the one wide street in Manitou from the roof and upper windows of which flames were bursting. Far up the street was heard the noisy approach of the fire-engine, which now would be able to do little more than save adjoining buildings. Gautry, reeling, mumbling and whining, gestured and wept. A man shook him roughly by the shoulder.

'But isna yer mistress i' the drawin'-room? I dinna want to see her. 'Ow, weel, said the girl, who was almost fresh from the country, 'jist rin up the stair, an' chap at the door o' her room. With the simplicity of a child, for what a girl told him to do must be right, Robert sped up the stair, his heart going like a fire-engine.

She will tell you that there was never a more popular band in the city. The students of St. Dunstan's paraded through the streets of the great metropolis in full regalia. As an initial step to our parade, we managed somehow or other to secure a disused old fire-engine, and on this the band piled. Sir Arthur's battalion lined up in fours and followed.

One can't be all the time trying to do the best of one's best if a company works a steam fire-engine, the firemen needn't be straining themselves all day to squirt over the top of the flagstaff. Let them wash some of those lower-story windows a little. Travel, according to my experience, does not exactly correspond to the idea one gets of it out of most books of travels.

Frank and Charlie came rushing down in gratified excitement, declaring that it was tremendous the church at least and exulting in the attainment of their life-long ambition, the riding out on the fire-engine.

The arrival of his majesty had added to her labours, for now again horse must spout every day, with no Molly to see it and rejoice. Every fountain rushed heavenwards, 'and all the air' was 'filled with pleasant noise of waters. This required the fire-engine to be kept pretty constantly at work, and Dorothy had to run up and down the stair of the great tower several times a-day.

Parading all abreast, as many as we were, only breaking ranks to let people pass; leaving the imprints of our noses and fingers on plate-glass windows ablaze with electric lights and alluring with display; inspecting tons of cheap candy, to find a few pennies' worth of the most enduring kind, the same to be sucked and chewed by the company, turn and turn about, as we continued our promenade; loitering wherever a crowd gathered, or running for a block or so to cheer on the fire-engine or police ambulance; getting into everybody's way, and just keeping clear of serious mischief, we were only girls, we enjoyed ourselves as only children can whose fathers keep a basement grocery store, whose mothers do their own washing, and whose sisters operate a machine for five dollars a week.

He did get up, and went out to taste the freshness of the early air. The young seamen had finished their labor on the quarters, and were at work in the waist. A kind of force-pump, or fire-engine, was attached to the Josephine, to save labor in washing down the decks, and to be used in case of fire below.

Has the fire-engine company started to join in the celebration?" whooped Phil Parker, who was along with the rest, though barred from the football squad because of an injury to his leg, and also positive orders from headquarters at home to avoid all strenuous sports for some months. "Not much they haven't, Phil!" cried Joel Jackman, showing signs of growing excitement.