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'Yes, in truth, Ned, said his wife, 'I would rather have thee with fair hands in my sweet parlour, than toiling and moiling in this dirty dungeon, with no companion but that horrible fire-engine of thine, grunting and roaring all night long. 'Why, what do you make of Caspar Kaltoff, my lady? 'I make not much of him. 'You misjudge his goodfellowship then.

I don't believe in European conflagrations. We are all too much afraid of each other. We walk round each other like collie dogs on the tips of their toes, gently growling, and then quietly get back to our own territories and lie down again." Hermann laughed. "Thank God, there's that wonderful fire-engine in Germany ready to turn the hose on conflagrations." "What fire-engine?" asked Michael.

The arrival of his majesty had added to her labours, for now again horse must spout every day, with no Molly to see it and rejoice. Every fountain rushed heavenwards, 'and all the air' was 'filled with pleasant noise of waters. This required the fire-engine to be kept pretty constantly at work, and Dorothy had to run up and down the stair of the great tower several times a-day.

The crowd gathered like magic in the wide street before the house the one wide street in Manitou from the roof and upper windows of which flames were bursting. Far up the street was heard the noisy approach of the fire-engine, which now would be able to do little more than save adjoining buildings. Gautry, reeling, mumbling and whining, gestured and wept. A man shook him roughly by the shoulder.

A fire-engine, or indeed anything that will squirt, is a great luxury to the boys, with whom "running with the machine" is a constitutional tendency. The novelty of the Josephine's force-pump had not yet worn away, and it contributed in no small degree to alleviate the hard and ungentlemanly labor of washing down decks. Mr.

'If you will come again after supper, he said, as he pulled off his linen frock, 'I will show you my fire-engine at work, and tell you all that is needful to the understanding thereof; only you must not publish it to the world, he added, 'for I mean to make much gain by my invention.

The bugle sounded again, they took a bridle hitch on the bull and went galloping out of the ring, bugles going and the bull dragging behind. The noise and whirl of it made Cogan think of a fire-engine coming down the middle of a street up home. "As the bull was hauled out, Cogan felt a new sorrow for him.

Just then up came, running, several men dragging the fire-engine hose, led by one bearing the bright copper branch. "Now pump!" shouted an officer; but the order was checked by a yell of "No!" as the back of a figure was suddenly seen leaning toward them; then a couple of steps were taken, and it was seen that whoever it was had hold of another's arm, and was dragging him out.

'Have you not chanced to observe a well in my workshop below, on the left-hand side of the door, not far from the great chest? 'I have observed it, my lord. 'That is a very deep well, with a powerful spring. Large pipes lead from all but the very bottom of that to my fire-engine.

The noise increased. The first fire-engine arrived, filling the Sunday air with smoke, clanging and crying a brazen, metallic message down the high, resounding walls. In the notion that some terrible calamity had overtaken the city, two excited deacons ordered special services immediately and set tolling the great bells of St. Hilda's and St. Anthony's, presently joined by the jealous gongs of St.