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To me he is not supremely beautiful, though much the gentleman in manners as in ruffles, and ingeniously logical: rather yellow to me, in mind as in skin, and with a taint of obsolete Venetian Macassar. But to Friedrich he is thrice-dear; who loves the Sharp faceted cut of the man, and does not object to his yellow or Extinct-Macassar qualities of mind.

That part of him put his hand in his pocket but Soames had nothing to do with the action and felt things there. There was a chain with sharp-edged, faceted things on it. There was a belt with shaped metallic objects fastened to it.... "Try!" cried Fran desperately. "Try!" And suddenly Soames realized. He heard the street-sounds through someone else's ears.

Norhala was gone was shut within it. Crushed to the pent fires of its crystal heart. I heard a sobbing, agonized choking knew it was I who sobbed. Against me I felt Ruth's body strike, bend in convulsive arc, drop inert. The slender steeple of the cones drooped sending its faceted coronet shattering to the floor. The Mount melted.

"How kind they all are," thought Pierre. "What is surprising is that they should trouble about these things now when it can no longer be of interest to them. And all for me!" On the same day the Chief of Police came to Pierre, inviting him to send a representative to the Faceted Palace to recover things that were to be returned to their owners that day.

Bah! is that all you've got to say? Why, observe the thing; turn it over; hold it up to the window; count the beads, long, oval, like some seaweed bulbs, each an amulet. See the tint; it's very old; like clots of sunshine, aren't they? Now bring it near; see the carving, here corrugated, there faceted, now sculptured into hideous, tiny, heathen gods. You didn't notice that before!

I saw the tremor shake their bristling hosts, oscillate the great spire, set the faceted disks quivering. The trembling grew; a vibration in every separate cone that became even more rapid. There was a faint, curiously oppressive humming like the distant echo of a tempest in chaos. Faster, ever faster grew the vibration. Now the sharp outlines of the cones were dissolving. And now they were gone.

The tendrils swept down, pushed here and there, playing upon the rods some unknown symphony of power. Thicker pulsed the lances of the aurora; changed to vast billowing curtains. The faceted wheel at the top of the central spire of the cones swung upward; a light began to stream from the cones themselves no pillar now, but a vast circle that shot whirling into the heavens like a noose.

In the course of the day he succeeded in installing himself in his pavilion; with the aid of his Malay he set out the rarities he had brought rugs, silken tissues, garments of velvet and brocade, weapons, cups, dishes, and beakers adorned with enamel, articles of gold and silver set with pearls and turquoises, carved caskets of amber and ivory, faceted flasks, spices, perfumes, pelts of wild beasts, the feathers of unknown birds, and a multitude of other objects, the very use of which seemed mysterious and incomprehensible.

She did not know what she had done to merit such friends. Her voice broke a little, she moved towards the door, and young Phipps, who was a youth of action rather than of words, sprang and opened it proud to be first. "She is sorely troubled," said Dangle to Widgery. "We must do what we can for her." "She is a wonderful woman," said Dangle. "So subtle, so intricate, so many faceted.

Her full, smooth, roundly modeled neck was enhanced in its cream-pink whiteness by an inch-wide necklet of black jet cut in many faceted black squares.