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Also she who had not feared the empty-headed, drunken Amathel, was penetrated with a strange terror of this man whom she felt to be strong and intelligent, and whose great, greedy eyes rested on her beauty as though they could not tear themselves away.

"If Lavater says so, he is a fool and an ass," cried Chodowiecki, furiously, "and he can hide himself in the remotest corner of the earth. Lichtenberg of Gottingen is quite right when he says that this empty-headed Lavater has made himself ridiculous throughout Germany with his wonderful physiognomy of dogs' tails and his profiles of unknown pigtails.

Not that Adrian was altogether empty-headed, for in some ways he was clever; also beneath all this foam and froth the Dutch strain inherited from his mother had given a certain ballast and determination to his nature. Thus, when his heart was thoroughly set upon a thing, he could be very dogged and patient.

You, sir she added were an "empty-headed fool," the idea of her "loving" you was absurd! but you were wealthy; immensely wealthy; had made a will leaving her your entire property; if you died suddenly on your wedding night, she and himself would possess Fonthill, and live in affluence. "'Go on, I said. "'At these words, continued Nighthawk, 'I could see the man turn pale.

Her red tongue was long and supple and Polly was taken by surprise when it curled about her ear. And then at last! Well, Sary refused absolutely to be left at home when she found Jeb was going with the family to help Polly carry the bags. "What," she exclaimed to Mrs. Brewster the night before, "you-all mus' think Ah'm empty-headed to let Jeb go t' Denver alone.

Minchin brought her work directly after breakfast, and that empty-headed fellow Elliott dropped in for lunch, and we had callers all the afternoon, and a coterie for tea, and Mrs. St. St. John would be so angry. And now you want me to go in a cab to a concert at the Rooms to meet all these people over again!" "I'm sure I don't care for Mrs. St. John a bit more than you do," said Mrs. Buller.

Good luck go with you for a conceited, bragging, empty-headed, duck-legged idiot.

"No, but you can accommodate yourself to some empty-headed society youth who hangs over your hotel-piazza chair and tells foolish fibs to feed your vanity!" scorned Eleanor. Another sisterly scene might have ensued had not Anne entered the room at this critical time. "Girls, better hurry and finish dressing as breakfast is almost ready to serve," said she, after a pleasant morning greeting.

You thought me a child when I wrote home saying that I wouldn't be cooped up in the house and married to a tenor in the church choir or to an empty-headed young business man but now you are going to see. I am going to pay the price if necessary, but I am going to live." In Chicago Margaret set about the business of living as though nothing were needed but strength and energy.

Some twenty years later Roger Minott Sherman, the leader of the Connecticut bar, in trying a cause before an empty-headed judge who had been put on the bench for no other apparent reason than that his father was a man of distinction, quoted several English authorities and was about to read from another when the judge remarked that he need not take the trouble to read anything more of that sort to him.