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"And at that speech Yussuf Dakmar laughed with great delight. 'Better late than never! said he. 'Better to think of a wise precaution now than not at all! But oh, ye are an empty-headed crew! he told them. 'I pity the conspiracy that had no better planning than ye would make for it without my fore thought! I thought of this long ago!

Her fellow-travellers the next day were not of a kind to make her think him less agreeable. Sir William Lucas, and his daughter Maria, a good-humoured girl, but as empty-headed as himself, had nothing to say that could be worth hearing, and were listened to with about as much delight as the rattle of the chaise. Elizabeth loved absurdities, but she had known Sir William's too long.

'That's not particularly clever of him. So would any man. What I object to so much about that empty-headed cad, is that he's never satisfied. He wants the earth, it seems to me! 'Really, Bruce, one would think you were quite 'What? 'Well, quite jealous of him, to hear you talk. If one didn't know that of course you can't be, she added quickly. 'This incident is now closed, said Bruce.

And so she stared impudently at him and held her silence, and finally, with an elaborate shrug of disdainful shoulders, she turned her back on him. But King flung to his feet and set his hands on her two shoulders and swung her about. Her eyes opened widely. "Listen to me," he said angrily. "I am going to talk plain to you. You are a fool, a downright, empty-headed silly fool.

When God gives babies to children, the children forget their other dolls, and the Princess, when the babies came, put away her other dolls, and played with the toys that came alive. And she spanked them and fondled them and scolded them with the same empty-headed vanity that she used to devote to her clothes.

"You are alluding to the occasion when Lady Martin and the Vicar's wife called her ignorant, frivolous, empty-headed." "She told you?" Herrick was surprised. "Yes long afterwards. But I laughed at her and told her it was nonsense jealousy, or something like that. I never dreamed she had taken it to heart."

He has mental brilliancy for the intellectuals, good looks for the empty-headed, a strong vital appeal, a magnetism almost overwhelming to the susceptible, and an easy and supremely appealing courtesy for every woman he encounters." Merton drew a long breath after reading these earnest words. Would an interviewer some day be writing as much about him?

He would not allow me to praise a lady then at Bath; observing, 'She does not gain upon me, Sir; I think her empty-headed. He was, indeed, a stern critick upon characters and manners. Even Mrs. Thrale did not escape his friendly animadversion at times.

"Are we then to be never anything for ourselves?" "O, yes!" replied the Assistant. "In respect of other women assuredly. But observe a young lady as a lover, as a bride, as a housewife, as a mother. She always stands isolated. She is always alone, and will be alone. Even the most empty-headed woman is in the same case. Each one of them excludes all others.

Our newspaper version of it is 'spice-up. A conference that may change the map of Europe will be crowded off any front page any day by young Mrs. Poultney Masters making a speech in favor of giving girls night-keys, or of some empty-headed society dame being caught in a roadhouse with another lady's hubby. Spice: that's what we're looking for. Something to tickle their jaded palates.