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There was also a note in pencil, on the bottom of an egg-box, for the nurses who rented two rooms, should either one of them chance to come in and be hungry, she was to eat "the pudding and the chicken stew, and get herself a good supper." Norma, chuckling a little, got herself the good supper instead.

Seeing a large wooden box some distance away, they made tracks to commandeer it On the way back an officer met them and queried: "Here, lads, where are you going with that?" "This old egg-box, sir we're taking it along to our dug-out, sir," one of them explained. "Egg-box be hanged!" retorted the officer. "Why, that's the general's roll-top desk!" A charming, auburn-haired nurse tells the story.

'Your success will be a lesson to your elders, too. Only by applying the Marxian philosophy of history can we upset the bourgeois Weltanschauung. The landlord's son reached the roof of the egg-box with one angry bound and stood beside the agitator. 'Marx is an old fogey! he shouted. 'What's the good of a passive strike? Let us make a demonstration against the director; let us

Some of the younger officers and a few of the N.C.O.'s had made a long lorry trip to Abbeville to replace worn-out clothes. Major Bullivant and the adjutant had borrowed a car to search for almost forgotten mess luxuries; and coming back had given a lift to a curé, who in the dark put his foot in the egg-box, smashing twenty of the eggs. There had been the booby-trap in the blown-up dug-out.

In the dustbin, I fear, with the cretonne-covered egg-boxes and the penny fans. Fate is so terribly even-handed. As she gives she ever takes away. She flung us a few shillings and hope, where now she doles us out pounds and fears. Why did not we know how happy we were, sitting crowned with sweet conceit upon our egg-box thrones? Yes, Dick, you have climbed well. You edit a great newspaper.

Three egg-boxes made a writing-table; on another egg-box you sat to write; your books were ranged in egg-boxes around you and there was your study, complete. For the dining-room two egg-boxes made an overmantel; four egg-boxes and a piece of looking-glass a sideboard; while six egg-boxes, with some wadding and a yard or so of cretonne, constituted a so-called "cosy corner."

Under such circumstances, the sole alternative to the egg-box, or similar school of furniture, would have been the strictly classical, consisting of a doorway joined to architectural proportions. I have from Saturday to Monday, as honoured guest, hung my clothes in egg-boxes. I have sat on an egg-box at an egg-box to take my dish of tea. I have made love on egg-boxes.

'We've all got some shady relative or another. A shrill burst of applause relieved the painful situation. Turning his head, David found all the childish eyes converged upon a single figure, a bulging-headed lad who had sprung into a sudden position of eminence upon an egg-box.

She forced herself, however, to read to the end of the book, when she placed a mark between the pages, sighed contentedly, and then turned out the light. Very different was the room through the wall, though as like in shape as one egg-box is like another. As Miss Allan read her book, Susan Warrington was brushing her hair.

Aye, and to feel again the blood running through my veins as then it ran, I would be content to sit only on egg-boxes till the time should come when I could be buried in an egg-box, with an egg-box reared above me as tombstone. I have spent many an evening on an egg-box; I have gone to bed in egg-boxes.