United States or El Salvador ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Tell Perry to come home for supper," was the message. That youngster slipped on his overcoat sulkily. "Wish'd there wasn't any old telephones," he snapped as he opened the door. His departure was a signal for a lull in the festivities. Mrs. DuPree sent a servant over for Sid, and the other boys followed shortly, leaving the family to watch in the darkness beside the parlor grate. Mrs.

Immediately after the sound had died away, a hush fell upon the great room as the senior manager stepped forward and announced: "For the official sophomore team the following players have been chosen: Adrienne Dupree, Barbara Temple, Christine Ellis, Jane Allen, and Marian Seaton. To act as subs: Olive Hurst and Marjory Upton."

They washed the food down with a glass of cider apiece, and stumbled out on the board walk toward home. "Feel's funny, walking after you've had skates on," John commented as they trudged along the dark path. Silvey spoke up, "Say, John." "Yes?" "You know Sid DuPree?" He nodded. "Well, he's trying to cut you out with Louise. Saw her in the corner drug store with him, drinking ice cream sodas."

What was the fun in being sick, anyway, if a fellow's mother insisted on taking that sickness seriously. Why wasn't she as easy going as Mrs. DuPree who allowed that privileged youngster to stay up as late as he wanted and to indulge in other liberties not usually granted to a boy of ten? Sid and the class must be finishing arithmetic now. He wished he were there.

The door swung back again as Sid DuPree and Silvey stamped noisily in. It developed that they were on a similar errand, and presently Miss Thomas cut the cord around the big, blue bundle and gave them their weapons. The trio left in high spirits, puffing through the empty tubes, making imaginary shots at open windows, and blustering loudly about past performances, as they sauntered along.

Lieutenant Dupree thinks otherwise. Now, as to the arrangements " "Look here," said Chester, interrupting. "With the whole German army lined up in front of us, it seems to me that our friend should be able to find all the fighting he wants. This fighting among ourselves is all nonsense." "But my friend's honor " began the Frenchman. "Bosh!" declared Chester.

Incomplete returns indicated a slight gain for Hopkins, but not more than a dozen votes altogether. "Everything now depends upon Dupree and Fairview," announced Kenneth, "but I can't get any connection with them yet. We won in Elmwood, anyhow, and Hopkins isn't ahead more than a hundred and sixty as the thing stands now. Cheer up, girls.

"Why, I think he's an awful nice fellow, but he won't talk. And besides, I'm not baiting my hook for small fish like trail foremen; I was aiming to keep my smiles for the contractors. Aren't they coming down?" "Well, they might come to look the herd over before it starts out. Now, Dupree is a good cowman, but he's got a wife already.

"Yes, that was the name," said Montague. "Here is his card," and he took it out. "Henry W. Cole, Seattle, Washington," it read. "But I never heard of him," said Mrs. Montague. "Never heard of him!" exclaimed Montague. "Why, he has been at the house a dozen times, and he knew father and Cousin Lee and Judge Dupree and everyone." But Mrs. Montague only shook her head.

Any of 'em who won't vote for me, you tell 'em they'll be dropped from the club. We'll have a meeting when everything's fixed, and Mr. Sid DuPree won't think himself so smart." Never was precinct canvassed more thoroughly by a municipal candidate than was the membership of the "Tigers" by the two boys during the week which followed.