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Find some one that'll take you off of my hands; that'll put a house over your head give you a bit to ait, an' a rag to put on you; an' may God pity him that's doomed to get you! If the woeful state of the country, an' the hunger an' sickness that's abroad, an' that's comin' harder an' faster on us every day, can't tame you or keep you down, I dunna what will.

'If there's anybody there, she murmured, staring out into the consuming darkness that had absorbed every colour, every form, except the looming outline of God's Little Mountain against a watery moon-rise 'if there's anybody there, I'd be obleeged if you'd give an eye to our Foxy, as is lonesome in tub. It dunna matter about me, being under Ed'ard's roof.

I've no clear notion what a hell-hound is, but clearly it means something as bad, say, as a janissary the worst animal I ever came across." "Sup o' beer in 'im," snorted Joe contemptuously. "He dunna really know what beer is, my lady. It's a grand thing is beer, if y'll only tak' enough of it to do y' good, but there's no vartue in half a pint of it. I've told 'im that lots of times.

"Folks say," she continued, after a pause, "that grandmother Demdike is a witch, an con do os she pleases. Ey wonder if she made Alizon so protty. Nah, that canna be, fo' Alizon's na favourite o' hern. If she loves onny one it's me. Why dunna she make me good-looking, then? They say it's sinfu' to be a witch if so, how comes grandmother Demdike to be one?

Boh dunna trouble yourself about me, sister. Ey dunna envy ye your luck. Ey dunna want to be adopted by a grand-dame. Ey'm content os ey am. Boh are na ye gettin' on rayther too fast, lass? Mother's consent has to be axed, ey suppose, efore ye leave her." "There is little fear of her refusal," observed Mistress Nutter. "Ey dunna knoa that," rejoined Jennet.

But I seed ya, Measter Desmond, t'other day, in speech win that that Diggle as he do call hisself, and and I tell ya true, sir, I dunna like the looks on him; no, he binna a right man; an' I were afeard as he med ha' bin fillin' yer head wi' fine tales about the wonders o' the world an' all." "Is that all, Dickon? You fear my head may be turned, eh? Don't worry about me."

This is what renders notice of the sermon and its purport necessary; otherwise the honest people might be seriously at a loss whether to laugh or cry. "Elliih avourneen, gho dhe dirsha?" "Ellish, my dear, what is he saying?" "Och, musha niel eshighum, ahagur ta sha er Purgathor, ta barlhum." "Och, I dunna that, jewel; I believe he's on Purgatory." "Och, och, oh och, och, oh oh, i, oh, i, oh!"

"Ey ha' warned ye, Alizon," said Jennet, alarmed by these demonstrations; "boh since ye pay no heed to owt ey say, ey'st leave yo to yer fate." "Oh! stay with me, stay with me, Jennet!" shrieked Alizon, "By our past sisterly affection I implore you to remain! You are some protection to me from these dreadful beings." "Ey dunna want to protect yo onless yo do os yo're bidd'n," replied Jennet!

"Hoo be so ceawnted, sure eno," remarked the forester, who had been listening attentively to their discourse, and who now stepped forward; "boh dunna yo think it. Beleemy, lort abbut, Bess Demdike's too yunk an too protty for a witch." "Thou art bewitched by her thyself, Cuthbert," said the abbot, angrily. "I shall impose a penance upon thee, to free thee from the evil influence.

'Oh! she muttered, looking up into the tremendous dome of blue, empty and adamantine 'oh! dunna let me go young! What for did she dee so young? Dunna let me! dunna! And the vast dome received her prayer, empty and adamantine. She was suddenly panic-stricken; she ran away from the tombs calling Edward's name. And Edward came on the instant.