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Splosh! it struck the dudish youth squarely in the face and ear. Another splosh followed, and Carl Dudder was likewise decorated. "Hi! wow!" spluttered Ham. "I -Oh, what a smell! "Oh, my eye!" groaned Carl. "Phew! what's this?" "We're discovered! "What's this they threw on us?" "Oh, did you ever smell such stuff?" "Robbers! thieves!" yelled Snap and Shep. "Shoot them!

They drew closer with caution and at last made out five young men, among them Ham Spink, the Fairview dude, who was, as usual, smoking a cigarette. "It's the whole Ham Spink crowd," muttered Snap "Ham and Dick Bush, Carl Dudder, Sid Foley and Sam Anderson. I didn't know they were coming up here." "Ham said something about going hunting," answered Whopper.

Then on they went as before. Soon they broke through the woods into a clearing, and on the opposite side of this saw a camp, with several boys lolling around a camp fire. They were members of the Spink crowd and included Dick Bush and Carl Dudder. "Say, where did you come from?" demanded Carl Dudder as he espied them and leaped to his feet. "From the woods," answered Shep calmly.

"Hullo, look at the scarecrow!" called out Ham Spink, as he swept up on an elegant pair of silver-plated hockey skates. "Wonder what cornfield he came from," put in Carl Dudder. "Got any old clo's' to sell!" cried Barney Hedge, imitating a street merchant. Kiddy Leech scowled at the trio and said nothing at first. Then, as Ham Spink threw a snowball at him, he arose and beckoned the boys nearer.

"Oh, you're a mean thing!" burst out Carl, and ran from the room before his father could stop him. On the following afternoon Snap was walking down to the river front, on an errand for his father, when he caught sight of Ham Spink and Carl Dudder, under a lumber shed. The pair were conversing in an earnest fashion, but ceased their conversation as Snap came closer.

Presently he was near enough to make out six forms around the fire. Then he recognized Ham Spink, Carl Dudder, Jack Voss, and some other of the lads of the town who usually went with Ham and Carl. One boy, named Ike Akley, was a ne'er-do-well, who had once set a barn on fire and burned up two cows. For this he had been locked up, but his father had procured his release by paying heavy damages.

I shall have to pay her doctor's bill and also something more at least fifteen or twenty dollars." Mr. Dudder sighed at the thought of parting with so much cash. "I shall take the amount out of your spending money, and out of the money I was going to give you for Christmas" "Can't I have the five dollars you promised me for Christmas?" gasped Carl. "Not a cent of it."

Carl Rudder had not expected this telling blow and he was so dazed it was several seconds before he turned over in the snow and arose to his feet. "Good for you, Snap!" cried Will. "That's the way to serve him." "Wha what do you mean by hitting me like that?" demanded Dudder, glaring at Charley, but still keeping a safe distance. "What do you mean by hitting me?" demanded Snap.

"Here comes somebody!" cried Whopper, while they sat around waiting for supper, which Snap and Tommy were preparing. Two boys were approaching, and as they came closer the young hunters recognized Ham Spink and his close crony, Carl Dudder. "Wonder what they want?" whispered Shep as the newcomers drew closer. "Perhaps they have only come out of idle curiosity," returned Snap.

"I am afraid you are not a success as a hero." "Vell, I dudder peen a success as a coward und kept avay from dot pullet." In the meantime Ephraim had recovered from the shock sufficiently to detect the powerful odor of the stale egg that had struck him. "Great gum!" he gurgled. "What was that Dutchman's pistol loaded with? Something must have crawled inter ther pesky thing an' died there!"