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Jacob Dont, of Vienna, and Jean Dancla, a French violinist, both belong to this period, and were teachers of reputation. "A typical Norseman, erect of bearing, with a commanding presence and mobile, kindly face, from which the eyes shone clear and fearless as the spirits of old Norway hovering over his native mountains.

C'est un fait dont je n'ai pas besoin d'indiquer d'exemples: aucune litterature n'en fournirait autant que le notre." Hist. de la Poesie Provencale, II. 237. Parallel of Poetry and Painting. "Il y a seulement la scene de Ventidius et d'Antoine qui est digne de Corneille. C'est la le sentiment de milord Bolingbroke et de tous les bons auteurs; c'est ainsi que pensait Addisson."

"We have a nice view of the sunset from here," said Marian, in a low voice, turning her forehead to the cool evening breeze. "Stuff!" said Elinor. "We didnt come here to talk about the sunset, and what a pretty house you have, and so forth. I want to know good heavens! what a thundering sound that organ makes!" "Please dont say anything about it to him: he likes it," said Marian.

If I dont get the crimpers Ime going to give up looking in the glass. For I think Ime growing homeblyer right along. Theres something the matter with my nose. Rhodas doesent run up hill. I never thought about noses before. Aunt Olivias is a little quear too but I like it became its Aunt Olivias nose. I wish I knew if Aunt Olivia liked mine. I wish we were better akquainted.

You dont understand." "Perhaps not. Would you mind explaining?" "I do not mean anything particular; but there are two kinds of love. There is a love which one's good sense suggests a sort of moral approval " Elinor laughed. "Go on," she said. "What is the other sort?" "The other sort has nothing to do with good sense.

Le monde, dont les jugements sont rarement tout

L'annee suivante, les habitans de Pauw massacrerent le Commissaire Gruis, etc.; mais apres avoir venge ce meurtre, et dissipe les revoltes en 1666, les Hollandois etoient restes les maitres de toute cette etendue de cotes entre Sillebar et Baros, ou ils etablirent divers comptoirs, dont celui de Padang est le principal depuis 1667.

«§ 287. Les pentes rapides des bancs dont est formé le mole, les directions variées de ces mêmes bancs sont aussi conformes

P.S. i might have telegraphed but ed says it dont make no difference cause the letter will git there quick enough any way an hes afraid a telegram will scare some one. im dam glad i got a return ticket. After reading the letter Hollis passed it over to Nellie, watching her, his eyes alight with satisfaction. "Oh!" she said. "Oh!"

On the other hand there are Tartini, Nardini, Paganini, Kreutzer, Dont and Rode they still live; and so do Ernst, Sarasate, Vieuxtemps and Wieniawski. It is men such as these who always will remain violin 'masters, just as 'violin mastery' is defined by what they have done."