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It seemed that they might be appropriate to the time and place, but he had no more than mentioned the title when Disko brought down one foot with a bang, and cried, "Don't go on, young feller. That's a mistaken jedgment one o' the worst kind, too, becaze it's catchin' to the ear." "I orter ha' warned you," said Dan. "Thet allus fetches Dad."

He did not quite see where the sentence was going to end. "Outside of a private car?" suggested Dan, wickedly. "Come on, and I'll show her to you," said Harvey. Cheyne stayed to talk with Disko, but the others made a procession to the depot, with Mrs. Cheyne at the head. The French maid shrieked at the invasion; and Harvey laid the glories of the "Constance" before them without a word.

Harvey had never heard Disko talk so long, and collapsed with burning cheeks; but, as Dan said promptly, a boy could only learn what he was taught at school, and life was too short to keep track of every lie along the coast.

"Take ahold here, an' keep ringin' steady," said Dan, passing Harvey the lanyard of a bell that hung just behind the windlass. Harvey rang lustily, for he felt two lives depended on him. But Disko in the cabin, scrawling in the log-book, did not look like a murderer, and when he went to supper he even smiled dryly at the anxious Harvey. "This ain't no weather," said Dan.

He was back in a minute with a big dipperful of stale brown water which tasted like nectar, and loosed the jaws of Disko and Tom Platt. "These are cod," said Disko. "They ain't Damarskus figs, Tom Platt, nor yet silver bars. I've told you that ever single time since we've sailed together." "A matter o' seven seasons," returned Tom Platt coolly.

"Guess I'll take care o' that," said Dan, under his breath. "You'll be goin' off naow, won't ye?" "Well, not without the balance of my wages, 'less you want to have the We're Here attached." "Thet's so; I'd clean forgot"; and he counted out the remaining dollars. "You done all you contracted to do, Harve; and you done it 'baout's well as if you'd been brought up " Here Disko brought himself up.

You watch aout an' wait. You'll be plowed under like your own blamed clover; but me Dan Troop I'll flourish like a green bay-tree because I warn't stuck on my own opinion." Disko was smoking in all his shore dignity and a pair of beautiful carpet-slippers. "You're gettin' ez crazy as poor Harve.

The click of the typewriter stopped; the girl was looking at the secretary, who had turned white. He passed Cheyne a telegram repeated from San Francisco: Picked up by fishing schooner We're Here having fallen off boat great times on Banks fishing all well waiting Gloucester Mass care Disko Troop for money or orders wire what shall do and how is Mama Harvey N. Cheyne.

"The very thing the very thing I was goin' to say myself," cried Salters promptly. "It beats all, Penn, how ye git on to what's in a man's mind." The little fellow blushed and meekly followed Salters forward. "Up anchor! Hurry! Let's quit these crazy waters," shouted Disko, and never was he more swiftly obeyed.

"Grand Canary," said Disko, after a moment. Manuel shook his head, smiling. "Blanco," said Tom Platt. "No. Worse than that. We was below Bezagos, and the brick she was from Liberia! So we sell our feesh there! Not bad, so? Eh, wha-at?" "Can a schooner like this go right across to Africa?" said Harvey. "Go araound the Horn ef there's anythin' worth goin' fer, and the grub holds aout," said Disko.