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One, rose-tinted and ornate, crashed to the floor, and the noise seemed to irritate the owner of Linden House more than his niece's shrill terror. "No need to bust up our best set of 'ock glasses just because I 'appen to mention owd Dickey Bulmer," he growled. The color startled so suddenly out of the girl's face began to return. Her eyes lost their dilation of fear.

"Have you thought," she asked at last, and her voice was cold and concentrated, "that this man is giving his life for you?" "I have feared," he answered, with incredible callousness, "that to save his craven skin he might elect to do differently at the last moment." She looked at him in a mighty wonder, her dark eyes open to their widest, and looking black by the extreme dilation of the pupils.

The dose should be large to cause immediate increased peripheral circulation, dilation, and even a little stupefaction of the central nervous system, and it may be effectual in a way not dissimilar to the action of morphiti. The consideration of this subject will include the following topics: A. Hygiene. B. Diet. C. Elimination. D. Physical measures. E. Medication. 1.

It was only at dinner, when her brother-in-law informed his wife he was sick of the place, and that nothing would induce him to stay more than another week, that a stain of scarlet colour appeared in May's cheeks and a terrified dilation in her eyes. Her lids were lowered directly, and the blood receded again.

The fair hair, the even brows, the clear-gazing eyes she seemed to have expected, but the dilation in those same wondering eyes raised to hers, the short upper-lip, the full under one that trembled these the lady did not know. "A sensitiveness, a warmth," she said, half aloud. What did she mean? Then she raised her voice.

I had felt some dilation of soul, it was true, but had been quite unconscious of any corresponding physical transformation. What would our aboriginal forerunners have said could they have stood in the valley and seen a human form moving from point to point along yonder sharp, serrated ridge? I should certainly have passed for a god!

Dark shadows were upon her face, whether real or the work of the feeble light she did not think to question. She was looking straight at her own eyes, black with the dilation of pupil, and somehow struck with the horror which was her deepest emotion. Jenny was speaking to the girl in the glass. "I shouldn't have thought it of you," she was saying.

"I'll report you to my father, and he'll report you to the Colour-Sergeant." "What's that to you?" said Jakin with an unpleasant dilation of the nostrils. "Oh! nothing to me. You'll get into trouble, and you've been up too often to afford that." "What the Hell do you know about what we've done?" asked Lew the Seraph. "You aren't in the Army, you lousy, cadging civilian."

However, their nerves were evidently strung to the same tune, for at a sound behind the tapestry, which was more like the scuttering of rats and mice than anything else, both Madame de Mioumiou and the chasseur started with the most eager look of anxiety on their countenances, and by their restless movements madame's panting, and the fiery dilation of his eyes one might see that commonplace sounds affected them both in a manner very different to the rest of the company.

Little passed his arm around her neck, and with his thumb opened widely the patrician-veined lids of her sweet blue eyes. "Thank Heaven, there is yet no dilation of the pupil; it is not too late!" He cast a rapid glance around. The nozzle and about three feet of garden hose lay near him. "Open your mouth, quick!" It was a pretty, kissable mouth. But young Little meant business.