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She caught a glint in his eye less like confusion than resentment, and saw a dilation of his nostrils which might have indicated not so much a sweet agitation as an inaudible snort. Fanny had never been lacking in curiosity, and, since her brother's death, this quality was more than ever alert.

The consequence of such action on the heart muscle, sooner or later, is a dilation of the left ventricle if the overuse of the tobacco is continued. There is, then, no possible opportunity for any discussion as to the action of tobacco on the circulation. Its action is positive, constantly occurs, and it is always to be considered.

What did this dilation in Molly's eyes mean? And she glanced sidewise, secretly, as if at fear of some dreaded thing, lurking. "Did I write about that? Oh, well, perhaps I was, then, but not now; not at all now."

She became a 'Vessel of Honour, chosen of God, a 'Bosom of Election, wherein he desired to pour his being, and slumber for ever.* She was the 'Mystical Rose' a great flower which bloomed in Paradise, with petals formed of the angels clustering round their queen, a flower so fresh, so fragrant, that he could inhale its perfume from the depths of his unworthiness with a joyful dilation of his sides which stretched them to bursting.

The changes in the circulation occurring in inflammation are as follows: An increase in the rate of the blood-flow through the blood-vessels of the part and their dilation; diminished velocity followed by the blood-flow becoming entirely suspended; following the retardation or suspension of the blood stream, white blood-corpuscles accumulate along the walls of the small veins and capillaries; white and red blood-corpuscles migrate from the vessels into the neighboring tissue, and blood-serum transudes through the walls of the vessels, forming the inflammatory swellings.

However, their nerves were evidently strung to the same tune, for at a sound behind the tapestry, which was more like the scuttering of rats and mice than anything else, both Madame de Mioumiou and the chasseur started with the most eager look of anxiety on their countenances, and by their restless movements madame's panting, and the fiery dilation of his eyes one might see that commonplace sounds affected them both in a manner very different to the rest of the company.

Her dimensions allowed of her rising to the greatest height a balloon could attain; her impermeability enabled her to remain for an indefinite time in the atmosphere; her solidity would defy any dilation of gas or violence of wind or rain; her capacity gave her sufficient ascensional force to lift with all their accessories an electric engine that would communicate to her propellers a power superior to anything yet obtained.

You are mistaken." "No. You were. I am no fool." A light laugh drifted down the tube. "Madame, I begin to see." "Ah!" "You believe what you wish to believe." "I think not." "I never even noticed you," carelessly. "Take care!" whispered the duke, who noted the sudden dilation of her nostrils. "It is easy to forget," cried the diva, furiously. "It is easy for you to forget, but not for me."

The bewildered air of a moment before had passed from Richard; the dullness had faded out of his eyes, leaving them the clear, alert expression they ordinarily wore. He was self-possessed, but the effort his self-possession cost him was obvious. There was a something in his face a dilation of the nostril, a curve of the under lip which put Mr. Taggett very much on his guard. Mr.

Thar's the road " he waved his hand toward that vague indentation in the foliage that marked the descent into the vale "an' down this e-end o' the Cove thar's nex' ter nobody livin'." The spirited equestrian figure was stand-ing as still as a statue; only the movement of the full pupils of his eyes, the dilation of the nostrils, showed how nearly the matter touched his tense nerves.