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These processes are accompanied by changes in the endothelium of the vessel walls, which result in an increased formation of lymph, which transudes into the meshes of the connective tissue giving rise to an inflammatory œdema, or, if the inflammation is on a free surface, forming an inflammatory exudate.

The changes in the circulation occurring in inflammation are as follows: An increase in the rate of the blood-flow through the blood-vessels of the part and their dilation; diminished velocity followed by the blood-flow becoming entirely suspended; following the retardation or suspension of the blood stream, white blood-corpuscles accumulate along the walls of the small veins and capillaries; white and red blood-corpuscles migrate from the vessels into the neighboring tissue, and blood-serum transudes through the walls of the vessels, forming the inflammatory swellings.

The flora was represented by beautiful floating seaweeds, laminariae, and macrocystes, impregnated with the mucilage that transudes through their pores; and among which I gathered an admirable Nemastoma Geliniarois, that was classed among the natural curiosities of the museum. Two days after crossing the coral sea, 4th January, we sighted the Papuan coasts.

But the partition between them is so thin that the nutritive fluid easily transudes through it. By means of this transudation or diosmosis the exchange of fluids takes place without difficulty. The larger the embryo is in the placentals, and the longer it remains in the womb, the more necessary it is to have special structures to meet its great consumption of food.