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Ducange has collected the evidence bearing on the use of the Latin term, and Semichon's admirable work, La Paix et la Trève de Dieu, première édition, 1857, deuxième édition revue et augmentée, 1869, sketches the growth of the movement.

A slave passed him a guitar; he touched the strings and sang with good taste a song in questionable taste: "Jeanneton prend sa fauçille." A delicate melody and neatly done; yet the verse "Le deuxième plus habile L'embrassant sous le menton" made me redden, and the envoi nigh burned me alive with blushes, yet was rapturously applauded, and the patroon fell a-choking with his gross laughter.

It was reprinted in 1852 at the expense of the French Government in the series of publications entitled 'Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France, publiés par les soins du Ministre de l'Instruction Publique, Deuxième Série Histoire des Lettres et des Sciences. It is a trite saying that 'they do these things better in France'; but it is, nevertheless, sometimes true.

It is more in your line; you still have faith in it." "Oh, I do," she rejoined quickly; "and so would you if you were in love. You'd be content to be on a rock in the mid ocean if she were there." "Love on a desert island," returned the young man, smiling significantly; "Oh, le premier jour, c'est bon; le deuxieme jour, ce n'est pas si bon; le troisieme jour mon Dieu, mais comment on s'ennuie!"

Giesebrecht, quoted by Hergenröther, K.G., i. 449. Hergenröther, i. 449-453. Reumont, ii. 6. Reumont, ii. 9. Montalembert, Gregorovius, Kurth. Gregorovius, i. 312, 315. Orosius, Hist., vii. 43. Photius, i. 111. Photius, i. 120. Guizot, Sur la Civilisation en Europe, deuxième leçon. Edict of Valentinian III., in 447. When St.

LANGSTON, JOHN M. From the Virginia Plantation to the National Capital; or, The First and Only Negro Representative in Congress from the Old Dominion. L'Esclavage dans les États Confédérés par un missionaire. Deuxième édition. LOCKE, M.S. Anti-Slavery in America, from the Introduction of African Slaves to the Prohibition of the Slave Trade, 1619-1808. Radcliffe College Monographs, No. 11.

What makes the situation amusing as a retrospect is the fact that we were traveling on third-class military passes, as befitted our rank as élève-pilotes and soldiers of the deuxième classe. To our great discomfiture, a couple of poilus volunteered their services in putting our belongings aboard the train.

Je me promene tranquillement. Je reste encore ici deux nuits pour gagner un peu de force. Je suis toujours tres faible, mais le cerveau va mieux, je n'ai point de surexcitation cerebrale. Je ne dois pas beaucoup ecrire. Ainsi tata, ma bien aimee. "Lundi soir. "Puisque je sais que tu dois etre inquiete je t'ecris une deuxieme fois aujourd'hui pour te dire que je vais beaucoup mieux.

It is a very simple and yet a very beautiful reality. A lady, in white dress with black spots, sitting on a red sofa, a dark chocolate red, in the subdued light of her own quiet, prosaic French appartment, le deuxieme au dessus l'entre-sol.

'Here we are, said Birkin. And on her side she saw: 'Elsass Lothringen Luxembourg, Metz Basle. 'That was it, Basle! The porter came up. 'A Bale deuxieme classe? Voila! And he clambered into the high train. They followed. The compartments were already some of them taken. But many were dim and empty. The luggage was stowed, the porter was tipped.