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"I am commanded to allow no one to enter; I shall obey the order of the king." "I am resolved to enter," said Pollnitz, in a loud voice; but Deesen spread his broad figure threateningly before the door.

Therefore, I take up my crown willingly." "Will your majesty allow me a word?" said Deesen, stepping forward. "Speak, Deesen." "I thank Mr. Zoller for saving my life. As true as God lives, I should have stifled with rage if I had not told that haughty Hollander who Mr. Zoller was and who I was." "Now, forward! Farewell, Frederick Zoller!

I must do then, what I have not done for a long time make grande toilette. I will wear my general's uniform, and adorn myself with the order of the Black Eagle. I will have my hair frizzed, and screw up an imposing cue. Well, Deesen, why do you gaze at me so wildly?" "Sire, the general's coat is here, but " "Well, but what?" cried the king, impatiently.

And as to-day was the great report day, Deesen thought that your majesty would not need him, and that he had time to go to Potsdam to visit his sweetheart. He seems to have been delayed. That is the reason, your majesty, that Deesen is not in the anteroom." "Very well," said the king; "as soon as Deesen returns he must come to my library.

The baron laughed aloud; it seemed to him a droll idea to look at the king as a prayerful hermit. This conception amused him, and gave him strength to go onward more rapidly, and he soon reached the upper platform of the terrace, upon which the castle stood. Without difficulty, he advanced to the antechamber, but there stood Deesen, and forbade him entrance to the king.

Deesen opened the gate, and our adventurers entered "the wide, wide world." "Let us stand here a few moments," said the king, as his glance rested upon the green fields spread far and wide around him. "How great and beautiful the world appears to-day!

He dared, therefore, to raise his eyes to those of the king, and to look pleadingly at him. "Sit down." said the king, pointing to the writing-table. "I called you because I wished to dictate a letter for you to write. Sit down and take a pen." Deesen seated himself at the table, and the king began walking up and down as before, his hands and book behind him. "Are you ready?" asked the king.

"Dress makes the man," said the king, laughing; "if Deesen wore his cabinet-hussar livery these proud beauties who now despise, would smile insidiously. How strangely the world is constituted! But let us enjoy our freedom while we may. We still have some collections of paintings to examine here are some splendid pictures of Rembrandt and Rubens to be sold.

He silenced the delighted man's expressions of gratitude, and ringing his bell he summoned Deesen, who kept his purse, in order to give the man a gold piece. But Deesen did not appear, and the second chamberlain announced in an embarrassed manner that lie was not in the palace. The king commanded him to give the man the promised gold piece and then to return to him.

"If your majesty commands, I must speak," said the chamberlain, sighing. "Your majesty will not permit us to be married, but we were made with hearts, and we sometimes fall in love." "Deesen is in love, then?" said the king. "Yes, your majesty, he loves a beautiful girl in Potsdam, whose name is Maria Siegert. And although he cannot marry her, she has consented to be his beloved.