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Do Miss Daisy love Him, den?" I would have said yes; I did say yes, I believe; but I did not know how or why, at this question there seemed a coming together of gladness and pain which took away my breath. My head dropped on Darry's little window-sill, and my tears rushed forth, like the head of water behind a broken mill-dam. Darry was startled and greatly concerned.

And over the cups, Maria said: the cups and spoons made the tea twice as good; but I doubt their relish of it was never half so exquisite as mine. I had to give Pete his Testament; he would not think it the same thing if he did not have it from my own hand, Maria said; and Darry's pens and ink likewise.

After something like an eighth of a mile the Grammar School boys came to deeper woods, where they had to thrust branches aside in making their way through the tangle. "My Sunday suit will look like a hand-me-down by the time I get home," muttered Greg Holmes. "It does now," Dave called back to him consolingly. "We suspected that Darry's grouch was due to dyspepsia," laughed Holmes.

"Give him the water cure," ordered the boss tramp, in an undertone to one of his confederates. Going to the peddler's wagon the one so directed took down a pail. He went off in the darkness, but soon came back with a pail of water. Slipping up slyly, he dashed the water full in Darry's face. With a gasping cry of rage Dave Darrin started to spring to his feet.

I fancied that Darry's prayers had a somewhat different atmosphere from the old. Yet when I once or twice asked Margaret the next morning why such and such a one had not been at the reading, she gave me a careless answer, that she supposed Mr. Edwards had found something for them to do. "But at night, Margaret?" I said. "Mr. Edwards cannot keep them at work at night."

"Can't spec' for to have everyt'ing jus' like de white folks," said the old woman. "We's no right to 'spect it. But Uncle Darry, he sot a sight by his praise-meetin'. He's cur'ous, he is. S'pose Darry's cur'ous." "And does anybody say that you shall not have prayer- meetings?" "Laws, honey! What's we got to do wid praise-meetin's or any sort o' meetin's? We'se got to work.

"Hot-foot it after Tom and Dan. I'll stay right here and see to it that the mouth of the cave doesn't run away. Start -at once, Darry, please! Don't let us waste time." Knowing how stubborn Dick could be when he knew that he was wholly right, Dave lost no time in argument. He sprinted away, and presently Dick heard faint echoes of Darry's signaling, "hoo-hoo!"

Miss Daisy know dat?" I stretched forth my little hand and laid it in Darry's great black palm. There was an absolute confidence established between us. "Uncle Darry," I said, "I do love Him but sometimes, I want to see papa! And therewith my self-command was almost gone. I stood with full eyes and quivering lips, my hand still in Darry's, who on his part was speechless with sympathy.

Then all other thoughts were for the moment put to flight by Preston's calling for the pony and asking Darius what he thought of him, and Darry's answer. "Very far, massa; very far. Him no good for not'ing." While I pondered what this judgment might amount to, the pony was brought out.

I saw Preston, who had but a moment before reached the stables, I saw him lift his hand with a light riding switch he carried, and drew the switch across Darry's mouth. I shall never forget the coloured man's face, as he stepped back a pace or two. I understood it afterwards; I felt it then.