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Sira, spared because of the officer's unwillingness to take a chance on injuring her, leaped through a gap in a wall and sprinted through a garden smothered with thick, leathery-leaved weeds, some of them higher than her head.

After him, running as he had never before raced, went Anthony; his hand, as he sprinted, already tensed for the coming battle; two hundred yards at the most and he would reach the lumbering figure which had plunged into the night of the trees; but a call reached him as sharp as the crack of the guns a moment before: "Anthony!"

"Where's the other haversack? Which way? Never mind bothering with it. Spread out. No use being cautious not until we think we're getting close." He ran straight on. Rood sprinted off at an angle. Behind the brush Don and Tim waited. The sounds of feet crashing through the forest grew fainter and at last ceased. Tim jumped to his feet. "That settles the Foxes," he cried.

Rush out with the girl before it's too late!" "That's what I'll do!" cried the comedian, appearing in the doorway, carrying Miss Lee. There was little danger now, as long as he was in the open, unless some tongue of fire should catch the girl's dress. "Hurry!" cried the manager, and C. C. sprinted out of the reach of the fire.

He jumped clear of the bank and sprinted down the rocky, sandy bed of the wash. "Get off!" he shouted. "Hide behind your horse quick! Danger." The rider brought her pony to an abrupt halt below the dead burro and dropped out of her saddle on the far side. Only her old cowboy sombrero, the bottom of her khaki divided-skirt and her high laced boots were visible to Lennon.

Sylviana thought her heart would break for it, and Kalus remembered for the first time without bitterness, the smile and trust of young Shama. The girl sat up; she couldn't help herself. At once the child sprinted back to the sea, diving into the waters as naturally as a newly hatched sea turtle, thinking no more of the ensuing swim than a bird thinks of flight.

Men were working recovering the bodies of the dead, aiding those who had survived, and examining the wreckage. Arcot settled the two Satorian ships to the ground, and landed the Ancient Mariner. Torlos sprinted over the ground toward them as he saw the great silver ship land. He had been helping in the examination of the wrecked enemy ships. "Have they attacked anywhere else on the planet?"

It curved and twisted along the higher ground under the towering cliff walls. At the foot of the Hole the valley narrowed, funnel-like, into a rather wide box cañon. The cañon bed offered a broad level runway down which a horse could have sprinted at top speed. Carmena caught the glance of pleased surprise that Lennon fixed upon a heavy farm wagon that stood inside the mouth of the cañon.

Dick Prescott had the oval, and was running with it like a whirlwind, with Darrin and Hudson as his interference, and with quarter dashing close behind them. Dick sprinted around the first Filmore man, leaving his interference to sweep the fellows over. At Filmore's second attempt to tackle, Dick ducked low and escaped.

"Well, I guess we'll have t' take a chance. If they don't wing us before we get across this bald place, we'll be all right. Run like yuh was plumb scairt t' death, Flood." We sprinted like a pair of quarter-horses across the thirty yards of bare ground that spread in front of the rock, a narrow enough space, to be sure, but barren of cover for a jack-rabbit, much less two decent-sized men.