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"I've heerd o' folk sellin' theirselves to the devil afore now." said he. "You be a danged fule, Joel Amos!" exclaimed the Ancient angrily. "Fule or no I never see a chap wi' such a tur'ble dark-lookin' face afore, an' wi' such eyes so black, an' sharp, an' piercin' as needles, they be ah! goes through a man like two gimblets, they do!"

"Danged if I was any more fooled with a man in m' life. I b'lieve the whole thing is a little scheme on the bretheren t' raise a dollar." "Why so?" "Waal, y' see Pill ain't got much out o' the app'intment thus fur, and he ain't likely to, if he don't shake 'em up a leetle. Borrud ten dollars o' me t'other day." Well, thought Milton, whatever his real motive is, Elder Pill is earning all he gets.

The young bureaucrat turned short on his heel and strolled down the Ridge Trail, with an air that only a bureaucrat, a very young bureaucrat, and a very cheap one could possibly wear. "Well, A 'm A 'm d danged." Wayland burst out laughing. "Do you suppose that little kindergarten ass thought he had come and caught me off duty?" The old man stood dumfounded.

"Hell no!" exclaimed Bible-Back startled out of his piosity. "I mean that you had better not buy it." "Well, thanks," drawled Denver, "this is danged considerate of you. Shall I tell him you'll take it yourself?" "Certainly not!" snapped back Murray, "I've enough claims, already. I'm just warning you for your own good."

Martin had always taken considerable notice of Dodger, being naturally fond of boys, and having once had a son of his own, who was killed in a railroad accident when about Dodger's age. "Danged if I know!" answered Tim, crossly. "He hasn't left you, has he?" "Yes; he's cleared out, the ungrateful young imp! I'd like to lay my hands on the young rascal." "Was he your son?"

From time to time those near by glanced up from their work and gave the new men unmistakably friendly looks particularly several young but well-grown girls who obviously were still unmated. In fact, these last smiled openly at the lithe, handsome Pedro, and red Tim was by no means overlooked. "I got me orders," said Tim, sotto voce, "and I'm danged if I crack a smile back at them girls.

And when at last the feasters were full to repletion Monitaya himself designated what he considered titbits to tempt them further. "Gosh! if I eat any more I'll bust, and I'm danged if I'll bust jest to satisfy this guy," asserted Tim. Wherewith he put one hand under his jaw and patted his stomach with the other, signifying that he was filled to the throat.

"Thou darsen't for thy life go near a court with me, and the first clerk who tries to put me out, danged if I don't pound half the life out of him and thee. I'm stayin' here comf'able until I get my money."

Then she cheered up, and faced around and said: "Danged if I didn't begin to think you fellers was deef and dumb. I did, b'gosh. Here I've sot, and sot, and sot, a-bust'n muskeeters and wonderin' what was ailin' ye.

He stood still as if he were afraid to breathe as if he would not have stirred for the world, lest his robin should start away. He spoke quite in a whisper. "Well, I'm danged!" he said as softly as if he were saying something quite different. "Tha' does know how to get at a chap tha' does! Tha's fair unearthly, tha's so knowin'."