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"You might have done me the service of not excusing yourself to the squire when he came here, in such a way as to implicate me." "But I was so tremendously badgered, Ned." "You had a sort of gratification in letting the squire crow over his brother. And he did crow for a time." "On my honour, Ned, as to crowing! he went away cursing at me. Peggy Lovell managed it somehow for you.

"It was like a bolt of lightning," he said, his voice free at last and trembling. "Day and night I have been thinking of you, dreaming of you, and cursing myself because I believed I had killed you. And now I find you alive. And here!" She was so near that the hands he clasped lay against his breast. But reason had returned to him, and he saw the folly of dreams. "It is difficult to believe.

He stood quite still, pitying her, and cursing the brutal poachers who had set the snare. Then, just before the torch gave its last flicker, the great animal turned and led her calf off through the woods, looking back nervously as she went. When the light was out, and silence had come again upon the forest, the man resumed his journey.

Monsieur Prudhomme may talk I snap my finger at him. You will have your ideas, of course. No matter! If you eat my salt, you will hardly be able to speak ill of me. 'Mademoiselle! cried David, inwardly cursing his shyness a shyness new to him and his complete apparent lack of anything to say, or the means of saying it.

I have thought it my duty to yield to her request, in spite of our confessor, who says it's all nonsense." The confessor was a rude churl. I did not exactly tell the abbess that, but I said enough for a clever woman as she was to grasp my meaning. We left the sorrowful place in sadness and silence, cursing the sovereign who had made such ill use of her power.

The devil always took the chair, and sometimes played to them on the harp or the fiddle, while they were eating. After dinner they danced in a ring, sometimes naked, and sometimes in their clothes, cursing and swearing all the time. Some of the women added particulars too horrible and too obscene for repetition.

To which the latter retorted that the first innings in a court of law would be his: he had already put the matter in the hands of his attorney. This was the last straw. Purdy had to intervene and get Mahony away. They left the agent shaking his fist after them and cursing the bloody day on which he'd ever been fool enough to do a deal with a bloody gentleman.

"Did your brother die?" he asked sympathetically. "He died," was the reply. "Yes, my son, he died died cursing the tyrant's bullet in his lungs. He threw away his life in a vain attempt to alter human nature, to set straight that which is crooked and cannot be set straight. He sought to bring about at once that which cometh not until the lion shall eat straw like an ox.

There was not a word of good-by, not a glance at anybody. A few minutes later Hale heard the creak of a barn door on wooden hinges, a cursing command to a horse, and four feet going in a gallop down the path, and he knew there went an enemy. "That's a good-looking boy who is he?" The old man spat into the fire.

We felt the conveyance dragged some yards along the road, and then it came to a stop. A moment later we heard the postilions cursing the horses, and then we clambered out of the upper side of the chaise, and leaped into the road. We had been knocked, shaken, and bruised, but were not seriously hurt.