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In the bed of the Morogoro River lives a warbler who sings from the late afternoon until dusk, and he is one of the very few birds that have that deep contralto note, the "Jug" of the nightingale. And there are little wrens with drab bodies and crimson tails that live beside the dwellings of men and pick up crumbs from the doors of our tents, and hunt the rose trees for insects.

And then I feel that I, too, have come in for some crumbs from the feast, like the dogs under the table mentioned so eloquently in Scripture sustenance unregarded and unvalued, no doubt, by yourself cast out inevitably and naturally as light from the sun!

The level insult to her husband stunned her; she sat there, upright, the white smile stamped on her stiffened lips, fingers tightening about the stem of her wine-glass. He began to toss bread crumbs to the scarlet fish, laughing to himself in an ugly way. "I wish to punish you? Why, Alixe, only look at him! Look at his gold wristlets; listen to his simper, his lisp.

At such times stories were told by installments, things of a satisfying nature were either produced and eaten or hastily tucked into pockets to be disposed of at night, when Becky went upstairs to her attic to bed. "But I has to eat 'em careful, miss," she said once; "'cos if I leaves crumbs the rats come out to get 'em." "Rats!" exclaimed Sara, in horror. "Are there RATS there?"

Stir in the fruit, chopped nuts, bread crumbs and suet, one after the other, until all are used, putting in the dissolved soda last and adding enough flour to make the fruit stick together, which will take all the pint. Boil or steam four hours. Serve with wine or brandy or any well-flavored sauce. It will be found best to prepare the ingredients the day before and cover closely.

Grate six ounces of almond paste to crumbs; then on a smaller grater grate four or six bitter almonds blanched and dried; pound a dozen candied orange-flower petals with three-quarters of a pound of powdered sugar; put all into a stewpan with the yolks of eight eggs, and beat them very well together.

Take one cup of grated bread crumbs, soak it in one pint of sweet milk; then break three eggs; separate the whites, add to the yolks one cup of sugar and a small piece of butter; beat it well, and squeeze the bread crumbs out of the milk, and add this to the yolks and flavor with vanilla. Serve cold with cream or milk. This can also be served hot.

I straightway began to scatter crumbs of bread, that it might, perhaps, come near me as at last it did. I have not spoken at all of my wounds, though they gave me many painful hours, and I had no attendance but my own and Gabord's. The wound in my side was long healing, for it was more easily disturbed as I turned in my sleep, while I could ease my arm at all times, and it came on slowly.

Make alternate layers of oysters, cracker crumbs, salt, pepper, and butter until dish is full. Have crumbs on top. Now make a small incision in center and pour in one well beaten egg, with a small quantity of oyster liquor. Put in hot oven and brown nicely. From MRS. M. D. FOLEY, of Nevada, Lady Manager. Cover one can of shrimps with cold milk and allow to come to a boil; then drain.

Half-way up the ascent, the hill sloped back. There was a small level place where one might rest before going on to the summit. It was not more than a little nook, surrounded by pines. As she came to it, there was a frightened chirp, and a flock of birds fluttered up from her feet, leaving a generous supply of crumbs and grain spread upon the earth.