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Besides ha! ha! old Crossley close-fisted, crabbed, money-making, skin-flint old Crossley is going to pray for me. Think o' that, mother going to pray for me!" "Shank, dear boy," returned his mother, "don't jest about religious things." "You don't call old Crossley a religious thing, do you?

Yet during that time Martha Turner saved thirty pounds by sheer thrift. John Crossley, the founder of the Crossley firm, and the husband of Martha Turner, was originally a carpet-weaver. One night, when working at the loom, he was taking his "drinking," and on laying down his black bottle it fell and broke.

Crossley insisted that he was not a victim of folie de grandeur, that, on the contrary, he had become less vain as he had risen, where he could see how trivial a thing rising was and how accidental. Said he: "Why do I shut myself in? Because I'm what I am a good thing, easy fruit. You say that men a hundred times bigger than I'll ever be don't shut themselves up.

He went up the steps with her, said: "Well, I wish you luck. Moldini is the best teacher in America." "How did you know Moldini was to teach me?" exclaimed she. He smiled, put out his hand in farewell. "Crossley told me. Good-by." "He told Crossley! I wonder why."

"Well, one cannot be sure," he answered, with some hesitation, "what meaning you attach to the word `steady. I " "Yes, yes, I see," interrupted Crossley, consulting his watch. "No time to discuss meanings of words just now. Will you tell your friend to call on me here the day after to-morrow at six o'clock? You live in Sealford, I have been told; does he live near you?"

"Ah, to be sure, Captain Stride is right," said Mrs Brooke, turning to her stalwart son, who was seated on the sofa beside her. "This is a very, very sad business about poor Shank. You had better go to them, Charlie. I will follow you in a short time." "Mr Crossley is with them at this moment. I forgot to say so, mother." "Is he? I'm very glad of that," returned the widow.

"Young sir," returned Crossley, regarding the fingers of his right hand somewhat pitifully, "people whose physique is moulded on the pattern of Samson ought to bear in mind that rheumatism is not altogether unknown to elderly men. Your opinion of me was probably erroneous to begin with, and it is certainly false to end with.

As the three principal men singers were all expensive the tenor alone, twelve hundred a night Crossley put in a comparatively modestly salaried Marguerite. She was seized with a cold at the last moment, and Crossley ventured to substitute Mildred Gower. The Rivi system was still in force. She was ready indeed, she was always ready, as Rivi herself had been.

"Well, Captain Stride, I've had a talk with him," he said, as an exceedingly broad, heavy, short-legged man entered, with a bald head and a general air of salt water, tar, and whiskers about him. "Sit down. Have you made up your mind to take command of the Walrus?" "Well, Mr Crossley, since you're so very good," said the sea-captain with a modest look, "I had feared that the loss o' "

Hand it here," said the latter, endeavouring to conceal under a jest his excitement at the sight of a letter from home; for his wild life had cut him off from communication for a very long time. "One of mine is from old Jacob Crossley," said Charlie, tearing the letter open with eager interest. "An' mine is from sister May," exclaimed Shank.