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First, Mr Crossley was getting tired of old bachelorhood, and had at last begun to enjoy ladies' society, especially that of such ladies as Mrs Leather and Mrs Brooke, to say nothing of May herself and Miss Molloy the worsted reservoir who had come to reside permanently in the town and who had got the "Blackguard Boy" into blue tights and buttons, to the amazement and confusion of the little dog Scraggy, whose mind was weakened in consequence so they said.

Her voice got better, got worse. Her acting remained mediocre to bad. At the fifth rehearsal after the break with the stage-director, Mildred saw Crossley seated far back in the dusk of the empty theater. It was his first appearance at rehearsals since the middle of the first week.

Just at that time Crossley had been abruptly deserted by Estelle Howard; instead of going on with the rehearsals of "The Full Moon," in which she was to be starred, she had rushed away to Europe with a violinist with whom she had fallen in love at the first rehearsal. Crossley was looking about for someone to take her place.

Figs. 5 and 6 illustrate another and distinct form of metallic microphone transmitter designed by Mr. Munro and Mr. Warwick, in which a small chain, preferably of iron, forms the microphonic portion of the apparatus. Munro, which differs from some of the Hughes' transmitters adopted by Crossley, Gower, Ader, and many others only in the material of which it is composed, Mr.

She not only maintained herself, but her husband and her family. She did this by means of a boarding school which she kept, one of the best in the neighbourhood of Halifax. One of her sons, the father of John Crossley, was brought up to carpet-weaving. He learnt his business with Mr. Webster, of Clay-pits, one of whose daughters he afterwards married.

"Yes, sir," said Shank, rudely interrupting, "and I came here not so much to hear what you have to say about my outbreak as you are pleased to style a little jollification as to tell you that you had better provide yourself with another clerk, for I don't intend to return to your office. I've got a better situation." "Oh, indeed!" exclaimed Crossley in surprise.

"And Grimmer is little more sensible. He was talking a great deal of nonsense about South African mines when we were coming down in the train this evening. Crossley and Merchant were in the carriage, and I am sure they were pleased when I took him up sharply.

"Perhaps, ma'am, if I make so bold," interposed the Captain, "Mr Crossley may want to have Miss May also at the council of war." "Mr Crossley! is he with my mother?" asked the girl eagerly. "Yes, Miss May, he is." "Then I must be there. Excuse me, dear Mrs Brooke." And without more ado May ran out of the house.

Mr Crossley resumed the grave look that was habitual to hint and next minute Shank Leather was ushered into the room. The youth was considerably changed since we last met him. The year which had passed had developed him into a man, and clothed his upper lip with something visible to the naked eye. It had also lengthened his limbs, deepened his chest, and broadened his shoulders.

She had no voice not for song, not for speech, not even for a monosyllable. Crossley took Moldini aside where Mildred could not hear. "Mollie," said he, "this girl crept up on me, and I've got to give her a trial. As you see, she's a lady, and you know what they are." "Punk," said Moldini. Crossley nodded. "She seems a nice sort, so I want to let her down easy.