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The invalid once more lay back, closed his eyes and listened, while his friend related to him all that he knew about his family affairs, and the kindness of old Jacob Crossley, who had not only befriended them when in great distress, but had furnished the money to enable him, Charlie, to visit these outlandish regions for the express purpose of rescuing Shank from all his troubles and dangers.

Fifty a week, for three weeks of rehearsal. No doubt I can go on if I like. Nothing could be easier." "Crossley?" "Yes. He was very nice heard me sing three pieces and it was all settled. I'm to begin to-morrow." The color rose in Agnes Belloc's face until she looked apoplectic. She abruptly retreated to her bedroom. After a few minutes she came back, her normal complexion restored.

Before Sir James Altham, and Sir Edward Bromley.... Together with the Arraignement and Triall of Jennet Preston, at the Assizes holden at the Castle of Yorke, the seven and twentieth day of Julie last past.... Published and set forth by commandement of his Majesties Justices of Assize in the North Parts. By Thomas Potts, Esq. London, 1613. Reprinted by the Chetham Soc, J. Crossley, ed., 1845.

Mr Crossley frowned while the youth was speaking, and regarded him with some suspicion. "You admit, I suppose," he rejoined sternly, "that if you had not swum off, the rocket apparatus would have been equally useless." "By no means," returned Charlie, with that benignant smile that always accompanied his opposition in argument.

But she has never refunded the £9, nor will she have anything to do with her husband. Oakhill House is a Rescue Home for women, which was given to the Army by Mrs. Crossley, a well-known local lady. It deals with prison, fallen, inebriate, and preventive cases. At the time of my visit there were sixty-three inmates, but when a new adjacent building is completed there will be room for more.

Gratitude, therefore, rendered it probable that Mrs Bland spake truly when she said that her master was as cross as two sticks. Of course we admit that her judgment may have been faulty. Strange to say Mr Crossley had no reason at least no very apparent reason for being cross, unless, indeed, the mere fact of his being an old bachelor was a sufficient reason. Perhaps it was!

The late Sir Francis Crossley observed that there was a good deal of unreasonable feeling abroad. It was held by some that it was wrong for working men to sell their labour at the best price; but it must be remembered that their labour was the only thing they had to sell; and the best thing to do was to leave those matters to take their natural course.

Cyrilla looked pained, broke a melancholy silence to say: "I know you don't mean that. You are too intelligent. You sing too well." "Yes, I mean just that," said Mildred. "A living." "At any rate, don't say it. You give such a false impression." "To whom? Not to Crossley, and not to Moldini, and why should I care what any others think? They are not paying my expenses.

It was Crossley the man of the world, the man of the artistic world, who delighted Mildred with a courteous bow and offer of a chair, as he said: "You wished to see me?" "If you are Mr. Crossley," said Mildred. "I should be tempted to say I was, if I wasn't," said he, and his manner made it a mere pleasantry to put her at ease.

The old man stopped abruptly, and Shank stood with eyes fixed on the floor and frowning brow. "Have you anything more to say to me?" asked Mr Crossley. "Nothing." "Then good-morning. As I can do nothing else to serve you, I will pray for you." Shank found himself in the street with feelings of surprise strong upon him. "Pray for me!" he muttered, as he walked slowly along.