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Now there was Jim alarming the whole Desert, and yanking the animals out, for miles and miles around, to see what in the nation was going on up there; there warn't nobody nor nothing that was as close to the noise as HE was, and yet he was the only cretur that wasn't disturbed by it.

And he's the houtrageoustest great cretur when he's h-up in his tantrums; it makes your 'air stand on ind to 'ear him!" "I should like very much to hear him, then," said the stranger, curiously. And while he spoke, the door of No. 7 opened abruptly.

I'm all beat out now doin' nothin'. Since I've bought the old place gran'ther's farm, you know I don't seem to be much better off. I can't go to farmin' it this fall; and what can a lone woman do on a farm anyhow?" "Farmin' is kind of poor business for a woman; but I do hope, Mirandy, you ain't a-goin' to marry that poor, pigeon-breasted, peddlin' cretur that's hangin' round here."

Woolsey," added the good-natured girl, "how could you play such a trick?" "Upon my word," Woolsey began, intending to plead innocence; but the ludicrousness of the situation was once more too much for him, and he burst out into a roar of laughter. "You! you cowardly beast!" howled out Eglantine, now driven to fury "YOU laugh at me, you miserable cretur!

Summers, I feels more easy than I has felt for many a long day; an' if I have not told it afore, it is because I thought of Houseman's frown and his horrid words; but summut of it would ooze out of my tongue now an' then, for it's a hard thing, sir, to know a secret o' that sort and be quiet and still about it; and, indeed, I was not the same cretur when I knew it as I was afore, for it made me take to anything rather than thinking; and that's the reason, sir, I lost the good crackter I used to have."

As she passed by the piazza, she paused one moment irresolute, but murmuring to herself, "'T ain't no use upsettin' Mistis, po' cretur, and I can do it better by myself anyhow," she walked briskly forward, revolving in her mind her plan. The mill house consisted of two rooms, and in the one in which Jim had reported Sedley to be confined there was a small trap-door.

I'll see what can be done. And here, my lad, here's summat for you in the mean while, a drop o' the cretur, to preach comfort to your poor stomach. Hush! smuggle it through, or they'll see you." Here the dame endeavoured to push a stone bottle through the bars of the gate; but, alas! though the neck passed through, the body refused, and the dame was forced to retract the "cretur."

But he has been behaving ill, and ungrateful to my good son Richard, who is a credit to the whole Famuly and has made himself a Gentleman and Was very kind and good to the boy, not knowing who and What he is God forbid! I don't want never to see him again the boy. Pore John was ill and Restless for days afterwards. John is a pore cretur now, and has had paralyticks.

Besides, I can't help thinkin', what, perhaps, you never thought of, yourselves, ladies, that every person, who, while they can just as well turn their hands to other business, yet, for their own whim, or pleasure, or convenience, or profit, chooses to do work, of which there a'n't enough now in the world to keep in employment them that must get such work to do, or else beg, or sin, or starve, when I think, I say, that every such person helps some poor cretur into the grave, or the jail, or a place worse than both, I feel that strong talk isn't out of place; and I've known this very Dorcas Society to send to Hartford and get shirts to make, under price, and spend their blood-money afterwards to buy a new carpet for the minister's parlor.

And he's the houtrageoustest great cretur when he's h-up in his tantrums; it makes your 'air stand on ind to 'ear him!" "I should like very much to hear him, then," said the stranger, curiously. And while he spoke, the door of No. 7 opened abruptly.