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"He's rather jerky now 'count of his not knowin' our langwidge very well, for one thing, an' from bein' in th' habit of concealin' his thoughts from white men like all other Injuns for another thing."

His villages are boun' han' an' foot to cotton fahmin' an' can't bring forth the higher industries; but now, without concealin' anything fum him or anybody of co'se we don't want to do that if we can get enough of his best village residenters fum Leggettstown an' Libbetyville to come up an' take lan' in Widewood faw we can give it to 'em an' gain by it, you know; an' a site or two faw a church aw school why, then, you know, when capitalists come up an' look at ow minin' lan's why, first thing you know, we'll have mines an' mills an' sto'es ev'y which away!"

"Molly, my dear, it's of no use concealin' things from you, 'cause when bad luck falls we must just face it. This Injun Wapaw, he calls himself tells me he has com'd here a-purpose, as fast as he could, to say that his tribe have resolved to attack me, burn the Fort, kill all the men, and carry you off into slavery." "God help me! can this be true?"

Maybe it's a talent I've been concealin' from you all along." "But it's rather hard work, turning old sod, and getting out all the grass roots and rocks," says she. "It takes a lot of strength." "Huh!" says I. "Feel of that right arm." "Yes," says she, "I believe you are strong, Torchy. But when could you find the time?"

Cheerfully he might "waive the quantum o' the sin," but he is quite alive to "the hazard o' concealin'." So, while the stuff is yet warm from the still, it is taken by confederates and quickly disposed of. There is no exaggeration in the answer a moonshiner once made to me when I asked him how old the best blockade liquor ever got to be: "If it 'd git to be a month old, it 'd fool me!"

"If you want me for an enemy you're going at this the right way." "I'm not lookin' for enemies. What I want is the truth. You're concealin' it. We'll see if you can make it stick." "We're not concealing a thing." "Last call for you to show down your cards, Jack. Are you with me or against me?" asked Kirby. "Against you, you meddling fool!" Cunningham burst out in a gust of fury.

Do you s'pose I don't know this country's at war, an' that the authorities are on the lookout for folks concealin' gunpowder in their houses? How do I know you weren't goin' to make the stuff into bombs, or carry it somewheres an' blow up somethin' or other with it?" "Indeed, oh, indeed we weren't," Mary cried, thoroughly alarmed. "Oh, what shall we do!" Eliza sobbed, wringing her hands.

"Weel, Jock, my man," continued I, but wi' a degree o' trepidation that I had great difficulty in concealin frae the boy, "tak this letter, and go to Mr. Barton's wi't, and rap canny at the door, and ask if Miss Barton's in. If she's in, ask a word o' her; and, when she comes, slip this letter into her haun. If she's no in, bring back the letter to me, and let naebody see't.

"'Overtime, says O'Hara, lookin' over me suspicious. 'Want some of it? "Fifty-forty-six is the celebrated city ordinance authorizin' arrest, conviction and imprisonment of persons that succeed in concealin' their crimes from the police.

"As you please about that," Lane said quietly. "He'll choose between you or me. I'll be damned if I'll stand for his keeping a man out of jail to try and fasten on me a murder I didn't do." "I haven't said you did it. What I say is that you and Miss Harriman know somethin' an' are concealin' it. What is it? I'm not a fool. I don't think you killed Uncle any more than I did.