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To pay for this the deacon had parted with the money set aside for the "greatcoat" he so much needed for the coming winter, his old gray one having done him service for fifteen years.

Bruin seemed to take his pills with comparative ease, when my shells was exhausted he was still coming What remained for me to do I drew my hunting knife and climbed him like a monkey on a cheese.

But from the depths of her heart she understood and pressed closer to him as she gave him a long silence in which to recover himself. Twilight was coming in the windows and a fragrant night breeze was ruffling her hair against his cheek before she stirred in his arms.

As soon as the little people saw that he struggled no more, they ceased shooting at him; but he knew from the increasing sound of voices that more and more of the little soldiers were coming round him.

All this natural, matter-of-fact simplicity coming from so artificial a product of Balliol as Randall Holmes, was a bit upsetting. After a pause, I said: "If that is so, why don't you marry her?" "She'll have nothing to do with me." "Have you asked her?" "I have, in writing. There's no mistake about it. I'm in earnest." "I'm exceedingly glad to hear it," said I. And I was.

Strange that her long-planned friendly explanation of her own attitude did not occur to her, but it did not. Lawrence rose and came toward her, his hands out. He was determined to know, once and for all. The gathering emotion in his breast was growing into an unbearable pain. "Claire," he said, coming nearer and nearer. "Could you love me?" His hands were almost to her.

And "while I was musing the fire burned" more fiercely than ever David's had occasion when he wrote those words, "Then spake I with my tongue." I would have liked to do that. But I could do nothing; only pray. I was very much startled while I sat in my muse to hear a footstep coming.

If there were such a thing as a cosmic physician, I believe he could tell the state of the country's health, and the prospects of the mortality for the coming season, by careful inspection of the great tongue, which Niagara is putting out for him, and has been showing to mankind ever since the first flint-shapers chipped their arrow-heads.

Presently, he rose and began to walk up and down the room with a curious, prancing walk, rolling himself a cigarette, and talking away in a rapid, jerky fashion with his continual, "eh, eh?" coming in all the time. "Poor Gerard! So you know him? How is he now?" and he lowered his voice with the suggestion of a mutual confidence, and stopped in his walk till Henry should answer. "Poor Gerard!

"Yes, he's coming home for good, I hope; but I'm fearful he'll find little beside the good in his sisters' hearts." "Poor Tom," said Dolly, with far-away eyes, "he's had a weary life of it in the mines, I guess, poor fellow." "Yes, yes," said David, "and that's what makes it harder that we can't greet him with a good Christmas to-morrow.