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The fair lady leant towards him, and as he adjusted it becomingly in her hat, looking at her bewitching eyes, her lovely face, and feeling the sweet fragrance of her breath, a something shot through Mr. Sponge's pull-devil, pull-baker coat, his corduroy waistcoat, his Eureka shirt, Angola vest, and penetrated the very cockles of his heart.

It became doubtful for some hours, as she drew her anchors slowly home, whether the brig would not come athwart our bows, and, if she had, one of us must have gone to the bottom; and since the brig had so much more bulk, and consequently, weight in her favour, than the Iris could muster, the chances are, that my fleshless skull would have been long ago a resort for cockles under the rocks of Cronenborg; but, a friendly wave, full of feeling as of water, struck the brig to windward, and, heeling under the blow, she took a broad sheer on our starboard bow, and dropped clear of us.

"It jumps!" he muttered; and, after a reflective pause, "but it's much better." He had at any rate escaped death. Sophia's right hand was behind her back. Just then a hawker passed down King Street, crying mussels and cockles. "Oh!" Sophia almost shrieked. "Do let's have mussels and cockles for tea!" And she rushed to the door, and unlocked and opened it, regardless of the risk of draughts to Mr.

Come on and have something to warm the cockles. You're just childish enough to have the croup to-night." He said it with such fine humour that Deppingham could not take offence. "All right, old chap," he said with a laugh. "I am chilled to the bone. I'll join you in a few minutes." To their surprise, he started off across the terrace in the direction of the consulting trio.

"Where is she? or I'll rip this place to cockles!" he thundered. "We do not know what you mean," said the priest. The two Chinamen began to jabber. Other figures reeled from the room behind the curtains. But over all their clamor sounded again the faint cry distant, but near. In a flash Harry caught from the mailed glove the haft of the sword.

When I examine the style, I see that he has committed an act of eccentric folly, much of the same kind with Caligula's campaign against the cockles, and with the Emperor Paul's ukase against round hats.

She sat on the ground by herself, and cut herself all over with pieces of shell till she was covered with blood, singing in a mournful voice, at the same time, a song the meaning of which Tupia could not understand. The shore abounded with clams, cockles, and, in some places, rock-oysters. Numerous wild-fowl also were seen, and several were shot.

"Misther Fugger," he cried, "you're shust the man I want to see. My Gott, vot is to become of us all? Vot is to become of de diamond trade ven one can pick them up like cockles on the sea shore?" "We must wait for details," the great financier said phlegmatically. His fortune was so enormous that it mattered little to him whether the report was true or false. "Details!

But the house was handy for pleasure-takers by water, and by and by the board she put up Mrs. Barbree Furnace. Cockles and Cream in Season.

"To clear thy voice and to cheer the cockles of thine heart," said he; "and to tune that pretty throat of thine ad gustum Reginae which is to say, 'to the Queen's own taste, God bless Her Majesty!"