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Filmy skirts, and bewildering ruffles of cobwebby lace. What wild imagination ever conceived of such witcheries; and what power could command their materialization in the North Woods? Joyce sank beside the boxes, gasping with delight. Then suddenly, as the shock of pleasurable surprise passed, the mockery of the gift struck her.

In a few minutes she emerged into the long dining-room where the table had been hastily cleared and moved aside, and upon which the boarders were now seated in long rows, watching the proceedings curiously. She was dressed in a simple white muslin, touched here and there with exquisite hand embroidery and tiny cobwebby edges of real lace.

Betty had only lately discovered it, although it had stood for years on a back bench in a cobwebby corner. It held all that was left of a scattered Sunday-school library, that had been in use two generations before. Queer little books they were, time-yellowed and musty smelling, but to story-loving little Betty, hungry for something new, they seemed a veritable gold-mine.

Sometimes these towering upheavals of forestry were festooned and garlanded with vine-cables, and sometimes the masses of undergrowth were cocooned in another sort of vine of a delicate cobwebby texture they call it the "supplejack," I think. Tree ferns everywhere a stem fifteen feet high, with a graceful chalice of fern-fronds sprouting from its top a lovely forest ornament.

It was no longer soft and cobwebby as it had been then, like down fluttering against his cheeks, but sodden and discolored, as it lay on the rock with little rivulets of water running from it. With the shoes and the dress were the intimate necessities which Marette had taken with her.

While he's pourin' in the gasoline I paddles around and inspects the thing. "Five hundred feet up?" says I. "Excuse me!" He grins good natured. "Think you wouldn't like it, eh?" says he. "Why?" "Too cobwebby," says I. "Why, them wings are nothin' but cloth." "Best quality duck, two layers," says he. "And the frame has a tensile strength of three hundred and fifty pounds to the square foot.

Scarves, cobwebby silks in uncut lengths, embroidered lingerie still in the tissue paper of Paris shops, parasols, gloves, and lengths of lace, she piled all of them into Margaret's arms. Julie's trousseau was consequently quite the most beautiful Weston had ever seen; and the little sister's cloudless joy made the fortnight Margaret spent at home at the time of the wedding a very happy one.

'I suppose I was a bit rough, but she ought to have forgotten that by now. I do wish she wouldn't keep on so about the parson. He ran upstairs. 'Sorry I was rough, Hazel, he said shamefacedly. Hazel stood at the open window in a nightdress that she had found in one of the chests a frail, yellowish thing with many frills of cobwebby lace made and worn by some dead woman on a forgotten bridal.

It took my unaccustomed eyes some moments to discern it; then all at once I caught its outline, veiled in the mists of distance grey, cobwebby, dreamy. "Yes," I replied, "I see it now. You will tell me of it tillicum?" He gave a swift glance at my dark skin, then nodded. "You are one of us," he said, with evidently no thought of a possible contradiction.

He had been called in the morning before he had quite slept off the effects of the liquor which Luigi had drunk; and so, for the first half-hour had had the seedy feeling, and languor, the brooding depression, the cobwebby mouth and druggy taste that come of dissipation and are so ill a preparation for bodily or intellectual activities; the long violent strain of the reception had followed; and this had been followed, in turn, by the dreary sight-seeing, the judge's wearying explanations and laudations of the sights, and the stupefying clamor of the dogs.