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"Now look what a mess Billy's done got us in; he all time got to perpose someping to get chillens in trouble and he all time got to let grown folks ketch em." "Aren't you ashamed to tell such a story, Jimmy Garner?" cried Frances. "Billy didn't propose any such thing. Come on, let's run," she suggested. "'Tain't no use to run," advised Jimmy. "They're too close and done already see us.

"Bress de Lawd!" it cried, in accents tremulous with age and excitement, "it's one ob my chillens, sho' nuff; it's Miss Elsie!" "Yes, mammy, it is I; and very glad I am to see you," responded Mrs. Leland, hurrying up the veranda steps and throwing Her arms about the feeble, trembling form. "Poor old mammy," she said, tenderly; "you are not so strong as you used to be."

And then, to the intense distress of the girls, Aunt Sharley slumped into a chair, threw her floury hands over her face and with the big tears trickling out between her fingers she moaned over and over again between her gulping breaths: "Oh, dat I should live to see de day w'en my own chillens wants to drive me away frum 'em! Oh, dat I should live to see dis day!"

Her blazing eyes darted from the face of one sister to the face of the other, reading their looks. "Uh-huh!" she snorted. "I mout 'a' knowed he'd be de ver' one to come puttin' sech notions ez dem in you chillens' haids. Well, ma'am, an' whut, pray, do he want?" Her words fairly dripped with sarcasm.

The old negro seemed to be seeking a way to elude this argument, but evidently finding none, he was about to shuffle meekly off. He halted, however. "Jedge," said he, "ma ol' 'ooman's near driv' abstracted." "Your old woman is an idiot," responded the judge. Williams came very close and peered solemnly through a branch of lilac. "Judge," he whispered, "the chillens." "What about them?"

"Ah, chillens, dat was a terrible time," returned the old woman, sighing and shaking her head. "Yes, mammy," assented Elsie; "you remember it well?" "Next stood hypocrisy, with holy leer, Soft smiling and demurely looking down, But hid the dagger underneath the gown."

I always know you look after us, Marsa Gen'l, case we sabe you life; but, den, my chillens, Laud knows whar dey is. Ham and me bin talkin' 'bout dat. We wants dem to get long, but we not know dem, nor whar dey am. Maybe we see dem some day. "'All right, aunty, we will talk about this hereafter. "Poor old darkies! They both went back to the kitchen better satisfied and much happier." Dr.

And now the four twins were all to attend the same school, which would open in about a week. Flossie and Freddie were both up early the next morning, and, scarcely half-dressed, they hurried out to the barn. "Whar yo' chillens gwine?" demanded Dinah, as she prepared to get breakfast. "Out to see our dog," answered Freddie. "Is Sam around?" "Yes, he's out dere somewheres, washin' de carriage.

Ise tendin' to de supper. Ise bound de supper'll be ready 'fo' you two chillens is ready fur to eat it." Within, the chair continued to creak steadily. The girl spread out her hands with a gesture of helplessness. "You see how it is," she explained under her breath. "Auntie is so set in her ways!" "And she's so set in that rocking-chair too," he retorted grimly.

Them Teddy bears ate up 'bout a million chillens, which is all the little boys and girls two Teddy bears can hold at a time." "I knows a man what ain't got no hair 't all on his head," remarked Billy; "he's a conjure-man an' me an' Wilkes Booth Lincoln been talkin' to him ever sence we's born an' he ain't never cuss us, an' I ain't never got eat up by no Teddy bears neither.