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"They speak about stopping the frequency of child-murder," said he, in a contemptuous tone; "do ye think our auld enemies of England, as Glendook aye ca's them in his printed Statute-book, care a boddle whether we didna kill ane anither, skin and birn, horse and foot, man, woman, and bairns, all and sindry, omnes et singulos, as Mr. Crossmyloof says?

At these words all the Libyans and the whole army gave forth a mighty shout; but the prince did not hear it. "Is my son dead?" asked he of the priest. "Sarah accused herself of child-murder? Did madness fall on her?" "The vile Lykon slew thy son." "O gods give me strength!" groaned Ramses. "Restrain thyself, lord, as becomes a victorious leader." "Is it possible to conquer such pain?

"But Robertson's head will weigh something," said Sharpitlaw; "something gey and heavy, Rat; the town maun show cause that's right and reason and then ye'll hae freedom to enjoy your gear honestly." "I dinna ken," said Ratcliffe; "it's a queer way of beginning the trade of honesty but deil ma care. Weel, then, I heard and saw him speak to the wench Effie Deans, that's up there for child-murder."

In each a beautiful young woman of the peasant class is tried and condemned for child-murder; but, although condemned on circumstancial evidence under a law of peculiar severity, Effie Deans is really innocent, whereas Hetty Sorrel is guilty. In the novel of the last generation we see little of Effie, and our attention is chiefly drawn to the simple heroism of her sister Jeanie.

She does worse: she eats it on the spot. I had to witness this horror many times over before I could accept it as a fact. Imperiously swayed by the needs of her present family, the Osmia puts her past family entirely out of her mind. Having perpetrated this child-murder, the depraved creature does a little provisioning.

The King's Advocate had insisted," he said, "upon this qualification of the pardon, having pointed out to his Majesty's ministers, that, within the course of only seven years, twenty-one instances of child-murder had occurred in Scotland. "Weary on him!" said Mrs.

Her account is not complete when she says, "Here are they whom thou hast given me." She must first say, "Here am I." But when it is seen that suicide is also child-murder, it must appear that she is under doubly heavy bonds for herself. Husbands, moreover, have claims, though wives often ignore them.

The King's Advocate had insisted," he said, "upon this qualification of the pardon, having pointed out to his Majesty's ministers, that, within the course of only seven years, twenty-one instances of child-murder had occurred in Scotland. "Weary on him!" said Mrs.

His father might just as well believe that Axel's pressing business in the town had been to buy machines; his mother too might think so for all that. Ho, but there was neither of them thought so in their hearts; they had heard whispers enough of what was the matter; of a new child-murder case in the wilds. "Time for bed," says his father at last. Sivert goes off to bed, swelling with knowledge.

A fortnight or so afterwards, when the public excitement occasioned by the Caresfoot tragedy had been partially eclipsed by a particularly thrilling child-murder and suicide, a change for the better took place in Angela's condition. One night, after an unusually violent fit of raving, she suddenly went to sleep about twelve o'clock, and slept all that night and all the next day.