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The wall screening the Ceinture Railway between Auteuil and Vaugirard has been dreadfully battered in various places.

He crossed the garden, walked round a house in process of construction, the scaffolding of which loomed overhead, and cautiously opened the door on the Avenue de Ceinture. He was not mistaken: a bright light flashed round the bend and a large, open motor-car drew up, whence sprang two men in great-coats, with the collars turned up, and caps.

At the first glance there seemed nothing but confusion, but the appearance was misleading, for at the Chantiers Station trainload after trainload of troops men, guns, horses, material have been despatched, taking the route of the Grande Ceinture Railway around Paris to Noisy-le-Sec, and on to the Est system. At Versailles one realizes very fully that France is at war.

A certain priest, named Ceinture, convicted of conspiracy against the present government, accused of base actions to which we will not even allude, suspected besides of being a former Jesuit, metamorphosed into a simple priest, suspended by a bishop for causes that are said to be unmentionable and summoned to Paris to give an explanation of his conduct, has found an ardent defender in the man named Marin, a councillor of state, who was not afraid to give this frocked malefactor the warmest letters of recommendation to all the republican officials, his colleagues.

"I am going neither for gold nor medicines, but to see my aunt, if it concerns you to know, Pierre Ceinture! which it does not!" "Mademoiselle des Meloises pay her to go, eh? not going back ever, eh?" asked the other Indian. "Mind your own affairs, Paul La Crosse, and I will mind mine! Mademoiselle des Meloises paid you to bring me to St. Valier, not to ask me impertinences.

The title "ceinture de la reine" had been given to it because in the old times queens and all other ladies had carried their purses at their girdles. The title by which the count was usually known: that of the countess was madame. St. Simon, 1709, ch. v., and 1715, ch. i, vols. vii. and xiii., ed. 1829. Ibid., 1700, ch xxx., vol. ii., p. 469. Arneth, ii, p. 206. Madame de Campan, ch. iv.

His garments being wet and soiled, the negro divested him of them, and dressed him in a tightly-fitting scarlet robe of Babylonish pattern, reaching to the feet, but leaving the lower neck and forearm bare, and girt round the stomach by a broad gold-orphreyed ceinture. With all the tenderness of a woman, the man stretched his master thus arrayed on the couch.

Le premier lieu par lequel nous passâmes est un village, jadis beaucoup plus considérable et maintenant habité par des chrétiens de la ceinture, qui cultivent des vignes. Le second est une ville appellée Saint-Abraham; et située dans la vallée d'Hebron, Notre Seigneur forma premièrement Adam, notre premier père. L

This prohibition was vain, and the virtuous part of the sex consoled themselves by the testimony of their conscience, whence the old proverb: "Bonne renommee vaut mieux que ceinture doree." Another establishment, first called Les Filles penitentes ou repenties, and afterwards Filles de St. Magloire, was instituted in 1497 by a Cordelier, and had the same destination.

And seating himself abruptly at M. Petitpas' desk, he wrote: "Monseigneur, I have the honor to bring to your grace's notice the fact that I have recently been made a victim of the intrigues and lies of a certain Abbe Ceinture, who imposed on my kind-heartedness. "Deceived by the representations of this ecclesiastic, I was led "