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"I have come to you, M. d'Artagnan, for you are the only man who can get me out of my trouble." "In what way?" "You are acquainted with the Abbe d'Herblay and you know that he is a somewhat mysterious gentleman." "Yes." "Well, you can, perhaps, give me the address of his presbytery, for I have been to Noisy-le-Sec, and he is no longer there." "I should think not, indeed. He is Bishop of Vannes."

"What paper do you refer to?" "As far as I am concerned, I have but one, it is true, but that is indeed most dangerous in its nature." "Oh! duchesse, tell me what it is." "A letter, dated Tuesday, the 2d of August, 1644, in which you beg me to go to Noisy-le-Sec, to see that unhappy child. In your own handwriting, madame, there are those words, 'that unhappy child!"

"I have come to you, M. d'Artagnan, for you are the only man who can get me out of my trouble." "In what way?" "You are acquainted with the Abbe d'Herblay, and you know that he is a somewhat mysterious gentleman." "Yes." "Well, you can, perhaps, give me the address of his presbytery, for I have been to Noisy-le-Sec, and he is no longer there." "I should think not, indeed. He is Bishop of Vannes."

March, volunteer, and disentangle yourself from these profitless speculations! Ten minutes farther on, in the shade of the fort at Noisy-le-Sec, I saw a red gable and the sign of a tavern. As a tourist I have a passion for a cabaret: in practice, I find Véfours to unite perhaps a greater number of advantages. Some soldiers of the Fortieth were drinking and laughing in a corner.

"What are the initials of your name and the first letter of the place in which you were born?" Madame Michel was named Anastasie Ravegot; the widow, since twelve years, of François Michel, in life inspector of butter in the Paris markets; she was born in Noisy-le-Sec. "What is your favorite flower?" "The Jerusalem artichoke."

For them, nothing exists two leagues beyond the barriers: Ivry, Gentilly, Arcueil, Belleville, Aubervilliers, Menilmontant, Choisy-le-Roi, Billancourt, Mendon, Issy, Vanvre, Sevres, Puteaux, Neuilly, Gennevilliers, Colombes, Romainville, Chatou, Asnieres, Bougival, Nanterre, Enghien, Noisy-le-Sec, Nogent, Gournay, Drancy, Gonesse; the universe ends there.

"Do you remember, fifteen or eighteen years ago, seeing at Noisy-le-Sec a cavalier, accompanied by a lady in black silk, with flame-colored ribbons in her hair?" "Yes," said the young man; "I once asked the name of this cavalier, and they told me that he called himself the Abbe d'Herblay.

"Died!" repeated the duchesse with an air of discouragement, which would have afforded the queen the most unfeigned delight, had it not been tempered in some measure with a mixture of doubt "Died at Noisy-le-Sec?" "Yes, in the arms of his tutor, a poor, honest man, who did not long survive him."

"Do you no longer remember," said Aramis, "that you once saw, in the village where your early years were spent " "Do you know the name of the village?" asked the prisoner. "Noisy-le-Sec, monseigneur," answered Aramis, firmly. "Go on," said the young man, with an immovable aspect. "Stay, monseigneur," said Aramis; "if you are positively resolved to carry on this game, let us break off.

The Duchess de Longueville has invited me to pass a few days in Normandy, and has deputed me, while her son is being baptized, to go and prepare her residence at Rouen; after which, if nothing new occurs, I shall go and bury myself in my convent at Noisy-le-Sec." "And I," said Athos, "am returning to Bragelonne. You know, dear D'Artagnan, I am nothing more than a good honest country gentleman.