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If you are not my wife now, it is solely because I cannot marry without my mother's consent. Dear, eight thousand francs a year and a pretty cottage on the Loing, why, that's a fortune, is it not? You know we calculated that if we kept La Bougival we could lay by half our income every year.

"Pooh, cousin; I dare say the good man is only taking her to the door of the church," replied the post master. "It is a fine day, and he is out for a walk." "I tell you he is holding a prayer-book, and looks sanctimonious you'll see him." "They hide their game pretty well," said Minoret, "La Bougival told me there was never any talk of religion between the doctor and the abbe.

"It is not for myself I speak," she said, "but is it likely that monsieur, good and kind as he was, would have died without leaving me the merest trifle? "Am I not here?" replied Ursula, forbidding La Bougival to say another word on the subject.

The world will approve of you; I shall never blame you but I shall love you ever. Adieu, then! "Wait," cried the young man. Signing to La Bougival to sit down, he scratched off hastily the following reply: My dear Ursula, Your letter cuts me to the heart, inasmuch as you have needlessly felt such pain; and also because our hearts, for the first time, have failed to understand each other.

I soon found it an impossible one, and I laid the poems aside and commenced a volume redolent of the delights of Bougival and Ville d'Avray. This book was to be entitled "Poems of 'Flesh and Blood." "Elle mit son plus beau chapeau, son chapeau bleu" ... and then?

Told of the doctor's intention to send away his housekeeper, La Bougival secretly learned to cook, became neat and handy, and discovered the old man's ways. She took the utmost care of the house and furniture; in short she was indefatigable.

Ursula and La Bougival lived, moreover, with the strictest economy; they did not spend, counting everything, more than sixty francs a month. The old nurse was indefatigable; she washed and ironed; cooked only twice a week, mistress and maid eating their food cold on other days; for Ursula was determined to save the seven hundred francs still due on the purchase of the house.

The Crown Prince of Prussia was thus enabled to extend his left, without danger, as far as Bougival, north of Versailles, and eventually met the right of the Crown Prince of Saxony, already at Denil, north of St. Denis.

The height of Louveciennes, above Bougival, closes the neck of the peninsula and from it a vast panorama of the silvery Seine and its coteaux stretches out from the towers of Notre Dame on one hand to the dense forest of Saint Germain on the other.

Many people to whom I have told the adventure, have laughed at me. I no longer know what to think. The wise man says: Perhaps? July 21. I dined at Bougival, and then I spent the evening at a boatmen's ball. Decidedly everything depends on place and surroundings.