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"Sho! I dunno." He shyly unburdened himself of the warning he had been leading up to. "But I'd tie a can to that dude fellow that hangs around the Bromfield guy. O' course I know he ain't one two three with you while Clay's on earth, but I don't reckon I'd take any chances, as the old sayin' is. No, ma'am, I'd ce'tainly lose him pronto. Clay might get sore. Better get shet of the dude."

The man from the Panhandle looked across the desert that palpitated with heat, and saw through the marvelous atmosphere the smoke of the ore-mills curling upward. He was no tenderfoot, to suppose that ten minutes' brisk walking would take him to them. He guessed the distance at about two and a half hour's travel. "This is ce'tainly a hot evening.

But I reckon that don't fit in with holding up strangers at the end of a gun. If I've insulted you I'll ce'tainly apologize, but you'll have to show me I have. We're in Texas, which is next door but one to Missouri, ma'am." "I don't want your apologies. I detest and hate you," she cried,

"Well, you saved them, and I'm right glad of it. We ain't got any use for Mary's little trotter, but your father's square about his. He keeps them herded up on his own range. We may not like it, but we ce'tainly aren't going to the length of attackin' his herd." Farnum's gaze took in her slender girlishness, and he voiced the question in his mind.

And with a final "Good night" flung haughtily over her shoulder Miss Nora Darling disappeared into the house. Mac took off his hat and gazed at the door that had been closed in his face. He scratched his puzzled poll in vain. "I ce'tainly got mine good and straight just like Reddy got his. But what in time was it all about? And me thinkin' I was a graduate in the study of the ladies.

"You'll just have to be good for a spell to make up for it. No more ten-mile walks, Mr. Muir, till the knee is all right." "I reckon you better call me Gordon, ma'am." His mind passed to what she had said about his walk. "Ce'tainly that was a fool pasear for a man to take. Comes of being pig-headed, Mrs. Corbett. And Doc Watson had told me not to use that game leg much.

"You're ce'tainly a wizard, Steve," came back his partner dryly. "I know you and your little ways by this time." "So I'm in love, am I?" "You're there, or traveling there mighty fast. Course I don't know about the lady." "What don't you know about her?" asked Dick, who was by way of being both amused and pleased that the subject had been broached. "How she feels about the proposition.

"You're going to hear what I've got to say." "You bully!" "I'll tell what I know Miss Hold-up." "Tell it!" she cried. He laughed harshly, his narrowed eyes watching her closely. "If you throw me down now, I'll ce'tainly tell it. Be reasonable, girl." "Let go my rein!" "I've had enough of this. Tumble off that horse, or I'll pull you off." Her dark eyes flashed scorn of him. "You coward!

Neil came to the door in answer to his knock and within he could see the villainous faces at bloodshot eyes of two of the others peering at him. "Good mo'ning, Captain Neil. I'm on my way to keep that appointment I mentioned last night I'd ce'tainly be glad to have you go along. Nothing like being on the spot to prevent double-crossing." "I'm with you in the fling of a cow's tail. Come on, boys."

As she was finishing, the sheepman opened his eyes and looked at her. "You are not to speak or ask questions. You have been wounded and we are going to take care of you," she ordered. "That's right good of y'u. I ce'tainly feet mighty trifling." His wide eyes traveled round till they fell on the foreman. "Y'u see I came back to help fill your hospital. Am I there now?