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If he had upset a cart-load of coal on to a sheet of tin it could not, so it seemed to him in the disordered state of his nerves, have made more noise. It went down with an appalling crash, striking the table on its way. "This," thought Fenn, savagely, as he waited, listening, "is where I get collared. What a fool I am to barge about like this."

She presented it to him with a charming smile and without a word. What was the giving of a flower? There was a cart-load of roses in the tent. But this flower she had worn next her heart. And now behold! the red flag flying from the summit of Castle Dare a spot of brilliant color in this world of whirling mist and flashing sunlight.

It is very hard, indeed, if I am to be crushed under a cart-load of thanks for doing something for a boy I like, when it does not cost me a cent of money or a breath of effort!" "Oh, sir, your generous refusal of our thanks does but deepen our obligation!" said Marah, still weeping. "Now, my dear madam, will you persist in making me confess that it is all selfishness on my part?

"P.S. I forgot to say, that, oddly enough, my goddess has gone and placed herself under the wing of the pretty Puritan I saw in Newport. Fancy the melange! Could anything be more piquant? that cart-load of goodness, the old Doctor, that sweet little saint, and Madame Faubourg St. Germain shaken up together!

"Anywhere. I'm not all played out yet;" and he held up his hand and shut it tight. "There's good stuff in me yet, and if you're willing to make a new start, I am." I put my hand in his, and said, "God helping me, I will try, John." He went off that very day and got a room in a decent neighborhood, and we moved in it before night. We had only one cart-load, and a wretched load of stuff it was.

Russell, "I do not know whether she ever paid it back but the result was the same." When in Scotland once she found that a man with a cart-load of herrings had been using a piece of barbed wire to flog his horse with. He was taxed with the barbarity, but denied it. The Duchess thereupon walked back and found the wire.

They have to buy a cart-load of presents, and they never know what to buy to hit the various tastes; they put in three weeks of hard and anxious work, and when Christmas morning comes they are so dissatisfied with the result, and so disappointed that they want to sit down and cry. Then they give thanks that Christmas comes but once a year.

On one occasion, while I was lecturing in the South, nearly two hundred miles away from home, I failed to receive the supplies I expected from the agents for my publications, and my family seemed likely to be out of provisions before I could send them help. My wife and children had begun to feel uneasy and afraid. That day a man came up to the door with a cart-load of provisions. "Does Mr.

"Many days we drifted like a log upon the wave; provisions running short, and water water under tropical suns scantily dealt out in tea-cups. Then, poor old Mackie's health gave way; and I dreaded for her death: one living witness is worth a cart-load of cold documents.

If so, it would prove that those planks were placed or restored in the reign of Louis XI. The chimney-piece is enormous, of carved stone, and within it are gigantic andirons in wrought-iron of precious workmanship. It could hold a cart-load of wood. The furniture of this hall is wholly of oak, each article bearing upon it the arms of the family.