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DON EDUARDO. ¡Hola! VECINA. Como usted lo oye ... y a fe que lo acierta ... para eso es casi un empleado ... con siete reales y lo que cae ... guarda de a caballo, para servir a usted y a Dios.... Ea, quédense ustedes con él. DON EDUARDO. ¿Con su marido de usted?

I couldna just cae him a tourist. He's vary keen on the fishin' and was up here for it last year as well. He has his ain boat and is aye on the water trailin' aefter the salmon." "A great many sporting foreigners come to our island nowadays," Gimblet remarked. "Does he get many fish?" "Oh, it's a grand place for salmon," said the inn-keeper with obvious pride. "And there's troots tac.

As the paramos are almost continually enveloped in a cold and thick fog, the people say at Santa Fe and at Mexico, cae un paramito when a thick small rain falls, and the temperature of the air sinks considerably. We landed about eight in the morning at the point of Araya, near the new salt-works.

Whence it is easy to recognize this chief property of refraction, namely that the Sine of the angle DAE has always the same ratio to the Sine of the angle NAF, whatever be the inclination of the ray DA: and that this ratio is the same as that of the velocity of the waves in the transparent substance which is towards AE to their velocity in the transparent substance towards AF. For, considering AB as the radius of a circle, the Sine of the angle BAC is BC, and the Sine of the angle ABN is AN. But the angle BAC is equal to DAE, since each of them added to CAE makes a right angle.

*ha caído un rayo en Santa Bárbara*: Mesonero Romanos in "El antiguo Madrid" mentions the convent of Santa Barbara at the end of the *Calle de Hortaleza*, a well-known street in Madrid, but states that the building has been removed to make way for private residences. *y lo que cae*: 'and with what he can pick up. *me parece usted pieza*: 'it strikes me you're something of a wag.

DON PEDRO. No te lo parece a ti ahora, que te sientas, por ejemplo, a la mesa, y si hay tortilla comes tortilla, sin informarte siquiera de a cómo va la docena de huevos; pero cuando seas ama de casa y veas volver a Toribio con la esportilla vacía, porque tu marido no dejó una blanca con que llenarla, ya verás entonces si se te cae la baba por la gracia.

Thus the portion BG of the wave, having the luminous point A as its centre, will spread into the arc CE bounded by the straight lines ABC, AGE. For although the particular waves produced by the particles comprised within the space CAE spread also outside this space, they yet do not concur at the same instant to compose a wave which terminates the movement, as they do precisely at the circumference CE, which is their common tangent.