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"But you won't be kept waiting long: the cab's stopping at the door, and Sydney hasn't come." She flew to the door, to be the first to meet and greet her visitors. There was not much to be got from Mrs.

"Ah! What time is it?" "Quarter to four, sir." "Get me a taxi." After visiting his bank and his solicitors he struggled once more into his cab and caused it to be driven towards Millicent Villas. A kind of sleepy triumph permeated his whole being, bumped and shaken by the cab's rapid progress. So!

"Someone's at the door," he explained. "It's Sylvester, of course. I'll let him in." It was not the lawyer but a messenger boy with a note. Stephen returned to the library with the missive in his hand. "He couldn't get here, Caro," he said, excitedly. "Wants us to come right down to his office. Hurry up! Get your things on. The cab's waiting. Come! Rush! It may be important."

The three occupants of the cab's seat who had previously clamoured for Mr. Peters' removal, now inconsistently resisted it; suddenly he came out with a jerk, and we had him fairly upright on the pavement minus a collar and tie and the buttons of his evening waistcoat.

Her husband is in the hospital, injured, and wants to see her." The servant girl hurried upstairs, convinced by the man's strained and emphatic manner. "What!" said Carrie, lighting the gas and searching for her clothes. "Mr. Drouet is hurt and in the hospital. He wants to see you. The cab's downstairs."

Farnie effected a masterly counter-stroke. He pretended not to be able to hear. He was sorry, but would the Bishop mind repeating his remark. 'Eh? What? he said. 'Very sorry, but this cab's making such a row. I say, cabby, why don't you sign the pledge, and save your money up to buy a new cab? Eh? Oh, sorry!

"There's one too many of them," he added, in apologetic explanation. The horse stopped, and stood, breathing heavily, with great clouds of steam rising from its flanks. "Why in hell didn't you stop when I told you to?" demanded the voice, now close at the cab's side. "I didn't hear you," returned Gallegher, sweetly.

We'll know that later." Leary nodded, and they began a long wait. After what seemed to Grace an interminable time, they saw a taxicab come rapidly down the street, execute a turn, and draw up before the door of number 162. Grace, as soon as she realized the cab's destination, sprang to the sidewalk and strolled carelessly along in the direction of the house.

Turning, I saw him tossing the despised shilling in his curved palm and saying: "A shillin'! Twelve o'clock at night! Two ladies in evenin' dress! You ought to 'a' gone in a 'bus! A cab's too expensive for you! I wish you'd 'a' walked and I wish it had rained!"

We are late! O, what shall we do?" cried she in despair. In an instant the somber silence of the cab's interior was lost. The girl forgot her prayer in the horror of the discovery that there was to be a hitch in the well-planned arrangements. Her mother frantically pulled aside the curtains and looked out, fondly expecting to see the lights of St. Gudule on the hill.