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He had found Allen, at the end of a day's work, perched upon a bench discoursing to the workmen on the Great Experiment. Allen had, it seemed, watched the convention from an obscure corner of the gallery. He pronounced Dan's speech "immense"; "perfectly bully"; he was extravagant in his praise of it. His father's success in naming the ticket had seemed to him a great triumph.

What we've got to think about is not to let it get out who you are. If it wasn't for that big bully up at the house " She stopped, hopelessly unable to cope with the situation. Whenever she thought of Houck her mind came to an impasse. Every road of escape it traveled was blocked by his jeering face, with the jutting jaw set in implacable resolution.

The rooster puffed out his chest and gave a loud: "Cock-a-doodle-do! I've got fifty wives but do they bully me? They do not! Whenever I find a nice fat worm or a grain of corn I set up an awful noise and gather them all around me. Then I eat it while they stand there and admire me! No, no, old dog, I have no patience with the master! He has only one wife and he doesn't know how to rule her!"

A piece of hard soil under your feet must be bully to work on. That ain't been mine since I was fourteen. That's over forty years ago." "There's something to it sure." Kars sipped his coffee. "But there's other things," he added, as he set his cup down. The seaman smiled. "Wouldn't be Life if there weren't." "No." "You're shipping arms," John Dunne went on significantly.

The other man was used to his friend's temper, and said nothing; but he hated to see a valuable animal knocked about, just as he would have hated to see money thrown in the gutter instead of into a publican's till; so he stooped down and lifted Finn's fore-feet from the ground, and placed them on the floor of the cart. "My oath!" he said, "but 'e's a tidy weight, ain't he? Up ye go, my bully boy!"

In fact, Jo was convinced that there was no living creature under the sun, human or otherwise, that walked upon two legs, that he could not pommel to death with more or less ease by means of his fists alone. And in this conviction he was not far wrong. Yet it must not be supposed that Jo Bumpus was a boastful man or a bully. Far from it.

They will bully and oppress the outcast of a school, because it is the fashion to bully and oppress him but they will equally magnify their hero, and are sensitively alive to admiration of feats of daring and wild exploit. With them, bravery is the first virtue, generosity the second. They crouch under the strong for protection, and they court the lavish from self-interest.

'Kicking up a disturbance, said I, 'is rather inconsistent with the office of spy. If I were a spy, I should hold my head down, and say nothing. The man in black partially raised his head, and gave me another peculiar glance. 'Well, if you aren't sent to spy, you are sent to bully, to prevent people speaking, and to run down the great American nation; but you shan't bully me.

Fresh meat or, to speak more strictly, frozen meat of excellent quality was substituted for bully, which latter was only issued on the rare occasions when, owing to transport difficulties, no frozen was available. The hard biscuits gave place to good bread; the ration of desiccated vegetables was increased; an issue of rice was instituted; cheese was reduced and preserved milk increased.

"I don't know anything about it," snarled Herring. "What evidence have you that I did these things that you charge me with doing?" "I have not charged you with them, Herring. I am merely asking you a few questions. I have circumstantial evidence, however, that you did these things." "Circumstantial evidence has hanged innocent men before now," said the bully.