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Updated: August 14, 2024

"I does not know de year I was borned but dey said I was 15 years old when de War broke out an' dey tell me I'se past 90 now. Dey call me James Cornelius an' all de white folks says I'se a good 'spectable darkey. "I was borned in Franklin, Loos'anna. My mammy was named Chlo an' dey said my pappy was named Henry. Dey b'longed to Mr.

Tate looked at his wife in an almost frightened way. "You mean" he tried awkwardly to follow her confused words; "you mean a baby has been borned in our manger?" "Lord! Tate what are you thinking of? St. Angé may be wilder than Bethlehem in some ways, but there ain't never been no baby borned in my manger." "Then what in thunder do you mean?"

"Never knew who my daddy was, an I reckon she didn't either." "Do you remember anything about the Civil War?" "What dat?" "The Civil War, when they set the slaves free." "Oh, you mean de fust war. I reckon I does had three chillern, boys, borned fore de war. When I was old enough to work I was taken to Pelman, Jawja. Dey let me nust de chillern. Den I got married.

"Hit's a cabin 'n' a clarin'," he answered simply, "back in the mountings. I war borned thar there; all of we-uns war born there." "An odd name," she mused, although she knew odd names were typical of the mountains. "Not when ye know how-cum-hit," he said. "Hit war called that-a-way by a preacher onct.

You see, I knows 'bout hit, 'bout them other things I mean, 'cause I was borned and growed up a-knowin' 'bout 'em; an' an' the next time you-all writes er book, Mr. Burns, I 'low you-all ought ter put in 'bout them there snags an' things, 'cause folks sure got ter know 'bout 'em, if they ain't a-wantin' ter git drowned." When Judy had gone into the house, Brian again sat alone on the porch.

He was one of the old Murat servants, as his father had been before him. "I was borned on to him," he said, speaking of the Prince. Murat was "a gentleman, sah." That was a statement which it seemed impossible for him to repeat often enough. He spoke from a slave's point of view. Murat was a good master. The old man had heard him say that he kept servants "for the like of the thing."

"I wuz borned in Perry County, Alabama! De way I remember my age is, I was 37 years when I wuz married and dat wuz 42 years ago the 12th day of last May. I hed all dis down on papers, but I hab been stayin' in different places de last six years and lost my papers and some heavy insurance in jumpin' round from place to place. "My mudders name wuz Jane Perry. Father's name wuz Sid Jemison.

"Well, then, Miss Claudia laws, honey, I's nussed you ever since you was borned, and been like another mammy to you ever since your own dear mammy went to heaven, and if I haven't got a right to speak free, I'd like to know who has!" "Certainly; certainly!

"Master," he said, "I be going to stay in my own native village, and if I can't make a living the parish'll have to keep I; but keep or not keep, here I be and here I be going to stay, where I were borned." From this position the stubborn old man refused to be moved, and there at Winterbourne Bishop his master had to leave him, although not without having first made him a sufficient provision.

But yuh done makes me happy, tell yuh, mistah. Glad now I waited on the trail foh yuh." "You belong down South, don't you, Jim?" asked Max. "Reckon Nawth Car'liny was the place I was borned into this world, suh, but I don't jest see how yuh guessed that," the boy answered. "Never mind. Suppose you trot along with us to our camp now.

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