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It was excessively pleased with its exploit. Hilarity reigned. Corporal Smith, relieved, made ready to conduct his squad to the platform. Alas, a bright idea occurred to Jock. Why not go up the other sliding stair and down again? Agreed, nem. con. At least, Corporal Smith's con. was too futile to be worth counting. "I had to go with the blighters," said he.

My father's fearfully down on it, because it makes more bad blood than anything; I've heard him say that it's just the blighters who buck about the superior race who do all the damage with their inferior manners. Rather neat eh?" Roy glowed. "Your father must be a splendid sort. Is he a soldier?" "Rather! He's a V.C. He got it saving a Jemadar a Native Officer." Roy caught his breath.

"I'd clean the blighters out mighty quick!" But now Beatrice was pointing, with a cry of dismay, down, away at the bungalow itself, which had for a moment become visible at the far end of the clearing as the Pauillac scudded past. Even as Stern thought: "Odd, but they're not afraid of us a flying-machine means nothing to them, does not terrify them as it would human savages.

Pyecroft behind us, "I don't mind rammin' a bathin'-machine; but if only one of them week-end Weymouth blighters has thrown his empty baccy-tin into the sea here, we'll rip our plates open on it; 267 isn't the Archimandrite's old cutter." "I am hugging the shore," was the answer. "There's no actual 'arm in huggin', but it can come expensive if pursooed."

You go'n smoke a corner o' the Pet-it Journal, an' good enough for you, unprovident sacriligeous blighters, you givin' away your own good Testaments."

It's rummy about these blighters, but they never seem able to understand a damn thing. It's hard! You put things in words of one syllable for them, and they just goggle and wonder what it all means. They want something on account. Upon my Sam, I'm disappointed with Whiteley's. I'd been thinking in rather a kindly spirit of them, and feeling that they were a more intelligent lot than Harrod's.

"That's what the boss seems to think." "I mean, you ought to be doing something ever so much better." "But what? You've no notion how well all these blighters here seem to be able to get along without my help. I've tramped all over the place, offering my services, but they all say they'll try to carry on as they are." Sally reflected. "I know!" "What?" "I'll make Fillmore give you a job.

You've still got a bit of a way to go before you become like one of those blighters who take the Memory Training Courses in the magazine advertisements I mean to say, you know, the lads who meet a fellow once for five minutes, and then come across him again ten years later and grasp him by the hand and say, 'Surely this is Mr. Watkins of Seattle? Still, you're doing fine. You only need patience.

It was the first bombardment I had ever been under, and it seemed as though all the guns in the world were banging away. Afterwards I found that it was comparatively light, but it didn't seem so then. The guns were hardly started when there was a sound like escaping steam. Jerry leaned over and shouted in my ear: "There goes the gas. May it finish the blighters."

Two men could get out of that there place without no bed to 'elp 'em." "By Jove, yes!" Percy scratched his forehead and left furrows of white in the general darkness. "By Jove, yes; you're quite right what? Break one's heart to lose the blighters, don't you know. You're a doocid clever fellow to think of that, Jenkins."