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Witherby for behaving badly, for printing something he oughtn't to have done." "That was to have been expected," said Halleck. "He hasn't found any other place, and Marcia says he gets very little work to do. He must be running into debt, terribly. I feel very anxious about them. I don't know what they're living on." "Probably on some money I lent him," said Halleck, quietly.

But Statira was proof against all the wheedling and flattery of the parson's wife, behaving towards her always with the same cool civility, and with great self-control, using none of the frequent opportunities afforded her to make some taunt, or fling, or reproachful allusion to Mrs. Jaynes's former conduct.

And here, here was the man who must have dictated the letter, and probably paid the debt, behaving just as if such things never existed. He was walking with her she could not give him ten yards start and follow him into the village and making polite conversations about the weather, and the road, and the quantity of soup that had been spilled.

He said nothing, however, but passed on to where several ladies were standing together near the door of the card-room. 'Well, madame, said he to the nearest of them, 'I hope you are behaving rather better. When last I heard from Paris your doings were furnishing the Quartier St. Germain with a good deal of amusement and gossip.

The amateur cannot usually rise into the artist, some leaven of the world still clogging him; and we find Pepys behaving like a pickthank to the man who taught him composition. In relation to the stage, which he so warmly loved and understood, he was not only more hearty but more generous to others.

"There, there there!" he said, feeling as awkward as a man must feel when a woman cries to him. He patted her shoulder with the uncomfortable feeling that he was behaving like an idiot. "It it is nothing!" she gasped. "Hugh, it is really nothing!" "Tom's a good lad, one of the best clean through and through!" "Yes, I know he is, and and oh, I do know it, Hugh, and it isn't Tom's fault!"

"Why, of course not; there's absolutely nothing in it; in fact, between you and me, I think she's making a great mistake, and behaving like a silly little fool, which she is, incidentally." "Come, come, come!" said M. Verdurin, "How on earth do you know that there's 'nothing in it'? We haven't been there to see, have we now?" "She would have told me," answered Mme. Verdurin with dignity.

I am much older than you, and I tell you that you are not behaving rightly. Why don't you do what I wish?" "I don't want any money I haven't earned." "I don't mean the money. Why don't you tell me the meaning of what I heard? My niece said you had been impudent to her. Perhaps she didn't understand." She looked wistfully into the boy's face.

She softened, linked her arm in his, and almost laughed, as they started up the hill. "What a good fellow you are, and I've been behaving like a beast. Anyone but you would have worried me with questions and small wonder. But you haven't even asked me " "Hush," said Septimus. "I know. I saw the paragraph in the newspaper. Don't let's talk of it. Let us talk of something else. Do you like honey?

Another messmate, who was generally known as Old Dick Kemp, had been a ship's-boy, but had been placed on the quarter-deck for his good behaviour and gallantry during the last Dutch war, for saving the lives of two shipmates, for behaving with great courage during a heavy gale on a lee shore, when the ship on board which he served narrowly escaped being cast away.