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Washington A. Bartlet became the first Alcalde of San Francisco, under the American flag. At this time the population numbered 500, including Indians. During '47 and '48 it increased to two thousand, and by the last of July, 1849, it was over five thousand. The condition of the town at this time was terribly demoralized, gambling, drunkenness and fights on every corner.

"No," said Patty; "it's too much trouble. Just close the blinds, please, and we'll light the candles, and that will do as well. Come in," she called in answer to a knock. Georgie Merriles, Lucille Carter, and the Bartlet Twin appeared in the doorway. "Did I hear the two P's were going to serve tea this afternoon?" inquired the Twin. "Yes; come in.

"But surely his character is known at the Horse Guards?" I said. "Ah, you see he's a smart officer," Captain Bartlet rejoined; "and what are officers for? To knock about and to be knocked about. Just look at him now! See how he's bucketing those men about! He was a militiaman, and that's a militiaman all over!

But almost before I had crossed the threshold I was conscious of an indescribable sense of relief. There were four persons in the room, that poor old "begad" major, who could not ride, and Captain Bartlet, both hastily summoned from the depot evidently, and still in mess dress; Dr.

"Yes, and cashier you too for very little, if you make yourself obnoxious by giving them trouble," Bartlet replied. "Roylance was the only fellow that ever really stood up to Colquhoun.

However," he added cheerfully, "all C.O.'s are not so bad as that brute out there, nor the half of them for the matter of that." "But, still, it's a wonder what you stand, you combatants," Dr. James observed. "Shut up, doctor," Captain Bartlet rejoined good-naturedly, "Don't presume upon your superior position.

"Patty, take care!" This from Priscilla. "O-u-c-h!" in a long-drawn wail. This from Georgie. Patty hastily set the kettle down on the floor. "I'm awfully sorry, Georgie. Does it hurt?" "Not in the least. It's really a pleasant sensation to have boiling water poured over you." The Bartlet Twin sniffed. "I smell burning rug." Patty groaned. "I resign, Pris; I resign. Here, you preside.

"Miss Theodora Bartlet," continued Patty, "commonly known as the Twin, Miss Vere de Vere." The Twin looked dazed, murmured, "Miss Vere de Vere," and dropped down on a dry-goods box. "The term 'Twin," explained Patty, "is used in a merely allegorical sense. There is really only one of her. The title was conferred in her freshman year, and the reason has been lost in the dim dawn of antiquity."

Snelling does not specify, particularly, in what respect this coin differs from those which precede; his words are, 'different from any other, and very good work, especially the halfpenny, which is the finest and broadest piece of his money I ever saw, and belongs to Mr. Bartlet. They do not, however, appear to have attained to circulation in Ireland.

An officer in undress uniform, Captain Bartlet, and Brigade Surgeon James, who was in mufti, were standing at an open window in the ante-room, and I joined them there, and looked out at the parade. "I don't know how you fellows stand that kind of thing, and before the men, too," I remarked, a propos of a fresh volley of abuse from Colonel Colquhoun.