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"Hi seed me fightin' in a sawr-pit f'r tew hewrs an' sebmteen minits, by the watch; an' fetched 'ome in a barrer. Now wot's the hupshot? Did 'n' Hi say, 'Look hout! we'll git hit to rights'?" But wot war the hupshot? 'Look hout! ses Hi; 'we'll git hit to rights! An' did we, hor did we not? Straight, now, Dave?"

But I'm not used to going into pawnshops, and I walked about trying to make up my mind to go in and couldn't." "Well, wot did you do then?" ses Ginger, 'ardly able to contain hisself. "While I was trying to make up my mind," ses old Isaac, "I see a man with a barrer of lovely plants. 'E wasn't asking money for 'em, only old clothes."

No less than a dozen muskrats have been thus caught in a single barrer in one night, and a few of these traps have been known almost to exterminate the musquashes in localities where they had previously existed in such numbers as to become a pestilence to the neighborhood.

After some hesitation, one of them said, in a shy voice: "We're waitin' for the barrer."

"I am for one," declared the costermonger, moving away from before the desk. "I ain't in no 'urry. I've 'ad a bit o' bad luck wi' my barrer, all owing to a plaguing drunken old omnibus-driver, and horl I want is a bit o' help towards the security. Josh Auk wants it before he'll let me out a new one. Tomorrow's horl right for me." "Well, I expect we'll manage that," Brooks remarked.

But there's a dear, I'm talking brilliant, when you're dying for a cup of tea, and need to get your box unpacked, by which I mean that I sees the porter with the barrer." The newly-arrived parlor-maid was pleased by this friendly if ungrammatical reception, and thought she would like the cook in spite of her somewhat tiresome tongue.

Bill fidgeted about on the bench, reached round for a chip, but recollected himself. Then he cocked his eye at the roof once more and whistled, twirling a shaving round his fingers the while. At last he tore the shaving in two, jerked it impatiently from him, and said abruptly: "Look here, Arvie! I'm sorry I knocked over yer barrer yesterday." "Thank you." This knocked Bill out the first round.

Ravenslee so you are my guv'nor, and blow me tight shoving a barrer! I knowed it was you, sir; leastways I knowed your legs an' the set o' them shoulders, but with a barrer! Excuse me, sir, but the idea o' you pushing a perishing peanut barrer so gay an' 'appy-'earted well, all I can say is love-a-duck!" "Well now, cut along, Joe, and get ready.

Ven the day came round, all the volk came to Figg's Amphitheatre, the same that vos in Tottenham Court, an' Bob Vittaker 'e vos there, and the Eytalian Gondoleery cove 'e vas there, and all the purlitest, genteelest crowd that ever vos, twenty thousand of 'em, all sittin' with their 'eads like purtaties on a barrer, banked right up round the stage, and me there to pick up Bob, d'ye see, and Jack Figg 'imself just for fair play to do vot was right by the cove from voreign parts.

But now, these 'ere seats, said Collins, appearing to appropriate this portion of the scheme as due to his own resourcefulness, 'why, I can get the barrer round and 'ave them cleared away in, why less than an hour's time from now, if you'll permit of it. Only 'Only what, Collins? Why look at them box and laurestinus, 'ow they reg'lar preclude the light from